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It had been months now since Jack had started having a thing with Rye and Brooklyn. No one knew, and he was starting to get a little confident; Mikey was oblivious so far, he was safe. The four boys decided to have a date night; they went to the cinema and lucky for Jack he was sat between Mikey and Brooklyn.

As the trailers played, Mikey got up to use the bathroom. "I need to pee too actually, wait up," Rye said following him.

That meant Jack and Brooklyn were alone for a moment, and they used that to their advantage.

They both practically jumped away from each other, however, when Rye got there. "You're safe, it's just me," he chuckled, squeezing past to sit on the other side of Brooklyn.

The second time they pulled away from each other, was when they were forced away from each other. Mikey stood next to Jack, glaring at the two of them after he ragged Jack off of Brooklyn by his shirt, "what the fuck?!"

"Shit," Jack muttered, there was no way he could get out of this one. He was dragged to his feet and out of the movie theatre by his shirt, then shoved into the wall outside.

"I'm gonna fucking kill you, Duff," he said slowly, he was angrier than Jack had ever seen him, and he'd be lying if he said it didn't turn him on slightly.

"I'm sorry," was all Jack could think to say, no other words seeming to have any meaning, "i don't have an excuse."


The next week at school, there was whispers surrounding Mikey again; news of the possible break up, though no one new why, and questions about Jack's whereabouts.

Mikey reluctantly turned around when he was tapped in the shoulder during Maths, "what?"

"Where is he?" it was that girl again.

"None of your business," Mikey glared.

"Some people are saying he's in juvie, some are saying he's moved away because you two broke up, some others are-"

Mikey held a hand up and cut her off, "i've not heard one person guess right. No one has a clue and i'm keeping it that way."

"Why, when you broke up?"

"Because he can fucking explain it when he's back."


Mikey went to Rye's place after school. Well, it was Rye's Auntie's place, but he'd been living there for a month or two, he was looking to transfer schools.

Brook opened the door when he knocked, and soon he was on the floor being beaten to a pulp. Thankfully Rye came out before he did serious damage.

"Why are you two still okay? He kissed Jack," Mikey asked him, once they were alone.

"I fucked up, okay? I knew..." he braced himself for the punch he knew was going to get, but instead of Mikey's fist, a mug smashed into his face, that Mikey had grabbed from the small coffee table.

"What the fuck?! How could you know that and not tell me?!"

Rye held his cheek where he'd been hit, blood seeping through his fingers. "I'm sorry, okay? I fucked up, i fucked up and before i knew it it'd gone on too long and i couldn't bring it up..." he sat on the arm of the couch and picked the pieces of broken mug up off the floor.

"You're a piece of shit, Beaumont," he sighed and left, telling himself he'd never speak to Ryan again.


The next day, when Jack still wasn't in school, everyone was even more suspicious, and more curious about what had happened to him. He hadn't been suspended again, so where was he?
Mikey had ended up storming out of class on a couple of occasions due to the questionings he was getting.

But by the next week, everyone had figured it out.

Jack was back.

As he walked through the door he was met with gasps and stares, though when he glared back, he knew everyone was still scared of him. He walked in, two still-fresh-looking black eyes, a broken nose (complete with bandage), cuts and bruises covered his visible skin including a nasty gash on the side of his forehead, and he had a nice green cast on his arm. It went down his forearm, which he thought was unnecessary just for a couple broken metacarpals, though two of his fingers were casted up too.

"Was that Mikey?" a kid gasped, unable to stop staring, even with a warning from the friend he was walking with.

Jack just nodded, "yeah. I deserved it," and kept walking.

He wanted to find Mikey.

Mikdy hadn't seen Jack since he left him outside the cinema. On the floor helpless, after smashing his head into a wall untill he almost lost consciousness, punching him in the nose until he actually lost consciousness, then kicking the everloving shit out of him while he was down, including stomping on his hand.

When he saw him, his stomach flipped, "holy shit..."

"Mikey, i-"

"You look worse than i thought," he said quietly, looking him up and down to assess the damage, "your head is swollen... so is your lip."

"That's not what i care about right now," he rolled his eyes.

"Then what?" honestly Mikey hadn't expected Jack to ever speak to him again, nevermind actively come and find him before class.

"I'm still sorry," he said slowly, looking into his eyes, "i deserved every bit of that beating and more. I know i fucked things up but i swear i'll never even look at Brook again. Or Ryan."

"You can do what you what you want now, remember?" Mikey rolled his eyes, unsure where this was going.

"I want you back."

Badboy - Mack (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now