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"Fuck," Jack mumbled, then called out, "yeah?"

"Open this door."

Jack quickly pulled a hoodie on, shutting the window, and went to open the door, "hey."

"Who the hell was that?"

"Who was what?" Jack played dumb.

"I swear, Jack, you're asking to be freakin' locked up!" she yelled.

"Mam-" he started, but she cut him off with a wave of her hand a "who the hell was it?!"

"Mikey..." he mumbled.

"Are you joking?!" she scoffed, pointing to his various cuts and bruises on his face, "the one who did all this?!"

He nodded sheepishly, "i told you we made up..."

"I don't care if he baked you a cake, he is banned from my house!"

"He wasn't in here- I just met him out-"

"I heard him in here!" he snapped, stepping into his room.

"What are you doing?!" he questioned as she unplugged his Xbox.

"What does it look like?!" she yelled back, taking only the wires. She went around his room taking his wires and chargers.

"Don't do this," he pouted, "please, mam..."

She didn't listen. She took his Xbox wire, his laptop charger, his phone charger, and a couple of extra wires she found around the place.


"What, Jack?"

"I'm sorry," he said slowly.

"I thought you would be," she nodded.


"She took your Xbox?" Rye laughed.

"No, the fucking wires for it, so it's there but I can't use it," he huffed.

"The wires?" Mikey smirked, trying to hold back a laugh.

"Yeah, so everything's just slowly gonna die..."

"That's brilliant!" Mikey laughed, making Jack glare at him.

"Jack i swear if you punch him today, you'll go home looking twice as bad as you do now," Rye threatened.

That's why, on Monday, the first thing Jack did when he got to school was pin Mikey up against a wall and punch him. Mikey laughed, "is this because you're salty about your Xbox?"

"She fucking heard you," Jack whispered to him, "and I'm gonna fucking kill you!"

"Wait, what?" Mikey raised a brow at him, "she heard how much?"

"I don't know, I thought she saw me outside with you but she fucking heard you upstairs."

"Well I'm fucking sorry, but what can I do about that?" Mikey questioned with his brow cocked up.

"You're gonna fucking apologise, at the least," Jack growled, pulling him into the bathroom by his hair.

A startled boy was in there, staring at them as Jack threw Mikey into the room.

"I'd leave if I were you," Jack glared at him, and he swiftly ran out of the room, leaving Jack to punch Mikey again.

"Jack, c'mon," Mikey pushed him away, but then glanced at the door, "want a fucking show, do you?"

Jack turned around to see the boy still there, he didn't seem to be going anywhere.

"I- I just uh-" he stuttered, looking between the two of them, but settling on Jack, "your face is worse than it was when you left.."

Mikey smirked, jumping in, "that's because I punched him again."

Jack punched Mikey to shut him up, "he's gonna look a lot worse than this when I've finished with him."

The kid raised a brow and ran, letting Jack lock the door before turning back to Mikey, "good job I punched you rather than kissed you."

Mikey smirked, "you could kiss me now."

"I could, yeah," Jack nodded, "or I could punch you again..."

"I'd rather you kissed me," Mikey said slowly.

"I figured," Jack mumbled and slowly leaned in, though stopped before their lips touched and pulled away to punch him again.

"You're a fucking dick," Mikey muttered, wiping the blood from his nose.

"So are you," Jack glared at him, "you got me in shit, and you need to make it up to me."

"How am I gonna do that?"

"Get on your fucking knees," Jack growled.

Jack pushed Mikey down to the floor when he refused, and once he'd pushed his pants and boxers out of the way, pulled Mikey closer.

Mikey had no chance to refuse again, and he moaned as his lips wrapped around Jack's dick. Jack's fingers tangled in his hair and pushed him further onto him. He controlled Mikey, pulling him closer as he bucked his hips, creating a rhythm that felt fucking amazing.

Mikey smirked around him, looking up at his face, nails dragging over his hips as he felt his cock twitch slightly.

Jack pushed Mikey's head further onto him as he moaned, letting himself release down Mikey's throat.


They avoided each other for the rest of the day, though Jack bumped into the friend he'd been avoiding.

"Wow, I know you said you looked bad but fucking hell!" he laughed.

Jack chuckled, "did some damage, didn't he?"

"I heard you were fighting with him this morning, too?"

"He was a dick and I punched him," Jack laughed.

"You're looking to get expelled, I swear," he shook his head laughing.

"Nah, if they were gonna expel me, it'd have happened by now," Jack laughed.


"Is it true? It's true!" a girl laughed as Mikey walked past her.

"What is it this time?" Mikey rolled his eyes.

"Jack beat you up in the toilets?" she chuckled.

"Oh that," he chuckled, "he didn't beat me up but he popped my fucking nose."

She smirked, "I can see that, it's bleeding!"

"For fuck's sake," he mumbled wiping the blood with his thumb. He headed to the bathroom to get rid of the rest of the blood that dripped down his face.


Badboy - Mack (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now