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"He what?" she glared, going into the office, "you what, Michael?!"

She was angry at her son for doing such a thing, but the anger dissolved when she saw him. The fresh cuts and bruises slipped her mind when she saw his tears, the hurt in his eyes. She pulled him into a hug and he clutched onto her.

Jack's mum held her tongue, having been asked to stay in the office. She stayed quiet as the Principal spoke softly, "Michael, do you want to speak to him?"

He shrugged, pulling away from his mum, "he d-doesn't wanna know."

Jack's mum sighed, "i'm sure he'll regret all this and calm down a little in a day or two."

Mikey nodded slowly, sniffling as he wiped some tears away, though they were replaced by more. "C-Can you just t-tell him i'm sorry? It wasn't what it l-looked like, i swear..."

She nodded, "i will."


Jack was eventually found and brought back to the office, just his mum in there now.

"Jack, c'mere," she said softly and he hugged her, holding on for dear life as he cried into her shoulder.

"What happened?" she asked softly.

"He ch-cheated on m-me."

"Oh, Jack..." she sighed, kissing his head, "he told me tell you he was sorry."

Jack just shook his head.

"And that it wasn't what it looked like..." she said softly.

"Bullshit?" Jack mumbled.


Jack only calmed down after a few days, and then wanted to kill Mikey again when there was a knock on the door.

He went to open it, and the only thing that stopped him slamming it straight away was Mikey's foot in the way, "hear me out?"

"Why should i?"

"It wasn't what it looked like, i swear down on anything," Mikey said slowly, "also got you this..."

Jack raised a brow as Mikey held up a carrier bag, "what is it?"

"Take it and have a look," Mikey said with a slight smile.

He did. And his eyes widened when he looked inside, "seriously?"

Mikey nodded as he looked up at Jack, bottom lip between his teeth.


"Because you need it, and i miss you when we don't talk," Mikey mumbled.

Jack pulled the brand new phone out of the bag, "but like- i can't- you can't buy me a phone?"

"Sure i can," he chuckled, "you smashed your old one."

"Thanks," Jack said softly, "really, thank you."

Now he was torn. Did he invite him in? He didn't really want to think about what had happened but he'd bought him a fucking phone so he couldn't exactly send him away.

Jack sighed, looked up at Mikey, then bit his lip. "Wanna come in?"


this isn't edited btw

Badboy - Mack (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now