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Jack walked into school the next day wondering about Andy. Had he told anyone? Was he going to? What the fuck did he want?

Straight into the Principal's office Jack went. Mikey was already there, and he could sense that Mikey was as worried as he was, if not more.

Apparently, the Principal could sense it too, as he spoke softly, "are you two okay?"

They both nodded quickly, neither saying a word.

"Are you sure? You both seem a little tense, is it because I brought you both in here?"

"Some idiot has a bit of dirt, and if he spreads it, I'm fucked," Mikey explained.

"Language," he raised a brow, "but who? What did they say to you?"

"That they're gonna blackmail us- me- blackmail me basically."

"That's not acceptable," he frowned, "you need to tell me who it is."

"So he can tell everyone? No thanks," Mikey scoffed.

The principal sighed, "i can put a stop to it."

"You really can't, and if anyone finds out, I'm gonna chuck the guy out of a second story window," Mikey raised a brow, "so don't make a big thing about it to everyone in the school please."

He sighed again, "I can't leave you to be blackmailed, Mr Cobban."

"No but you can let us off if we do anything stupid."


Mikey glanced at Jack.

"You too?!"

Jack nodded sheepishly, "yeah."


They missed their whole first period in the end. The principal spoke to them about the blackmailing and promised not to say anything until he found out who it was. He was determined to find out however, so he could put a stop to it. And they spoke about the two of them not being allowed together while they were in school; the principal huffed at a smart remark about them being forced into the office together, and shooed them out quickly, just in time for the bell to go, signalling the end of first period. The principal called Jack's teacher to let him know why he wasn't in class and off they went. In different directions of course.

It was Jack who bumped into Andy first. He sighed as Andy smirked, "so Duff..."

"What the fuck do you want, Fowler?"

"I want everyone to think I beat the shit out of you," he smirked.

"Literally everyone knows this was Mikey," he raised a brow, pointing to his face.

"Well then I guess I'll have to beat the shit out of you..."

"You're fucking joking, right?"

"Not even a little bit."


Mikey had to call Jack, stuck in a room once he'd bought his lunch; he wasn't even allowed to sit in the cafeteria due to his internal exclusion. He had, however, heard the new gossip.

"Hey, how's your exclusion?"

"Boring, but I heard some weird rumour while I was getting my lunch.."

"Did it happen to be about Fowler?" Jack questioned.

"How did you guess?" Mikey chuckled.

"Because my face fucking hurts because of it," he chuckled, "i swear I'm gonna kill him."

"What, he actually hit you?" he raised a brow.

"He said he wanted everyone to think he beat me up, and I was like everyone knows it was Mikey and he said he'd have to actually beat me up then, and then he punched me and made sure loads of people saw," Jack explained.

"What a dick," Mikey frowned, "sorry about all this..."

"How is it your fault that he's an asshole?"

"I feel like you'd just tell everyone if you could," Mikey said slowly.

Jack shrugged, though he knew Mikey couldn't see him, "you're worth it, don't worry."


"Of course you are," Jack smiled, "or I'd have just told everyone..."

"Good point..." Mikey chuckled softly, "thanks."

"You're welcome, babe," Jack smirked.

"Don't babe me," Mikey laughed.


"That's better," Mikey smirked.

Badboy - Mack (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now