Chapter 7: Old grudges

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Chris in the attachment at the side.
I woke up the next day, and drove over to Chris's house sipping my coffee. I miss called him as i sat in the car closing my eyes until he gets down.

After some seconds, the front door opened revealing Chris who was walking towards me smiling brightly with his bag on his shoulder.

He had one bag while i had three. My school bag, my swimming practice bag and my clothes bag since I'm going to my dad's tonight.

I had already kissed my mom goodbye mostly dryly because i was supposedly angry with her.

"Morning" Chris said his morning voice still evident.

"Heyy" i said placing my coffee in my cup holder as I drove off to school.

After making it there alive, since Chris remained scared the entire drive stating that I was going too fast while I argued that if I don't we were going to be late; we went off to our first class passing by our lockers as we went there.

As I was standing by my locker getting my books, a perfectly painted nail poked me. I looked up to see Lola... Of course. My day had to start in a fucked up way.

"What?" I barked at her.

"Well good morning to you too." She said sarcastically.

"I didn't wish you a good morning for a special reason. Jump to the subject." I replied sternly. Today was not going to be a good day.

"I... Decided to give you your last chance since i have realised that you are not that dumb so would you want to become part of our team?" Both Chris and Jason had arrived mid-sentence as they stood by my side. I looked at her in thought

"fine..." I said

"great decision!! Okay so our rehearsals are on monday and..."

"Lola" I cut her mid-sentence.

"Wait I'm not done let me finish my sentence." I continued. She looked shocked and lost as i continued

"So as i was saying: fine... I'll try to make you understand the whole thing in a different way. I have a great load of shit going on in my life, i have school and unlike you I have to ace my courses to get a scholarship. And I have my swimming competitions. So please notice that we're not all living the perfect life you are living: princess at home cheerleader at school. Some people have to work hard to get what they need without relying on daddy's money. So I'll make it clear for once an for all: I... Am... NEVER... joining your team." I said all of that real quick. Lola's jaw dropped on the ground and looked dumber than ever!!

"Fine" she said straightening herself up. " You lost your final chance don't come begging me later on to get you on the team." She said smiling

"don't worry about that I wont." I said smiling back. She suddenly frowned at me and practically ran away.

"What was that about?" Jason asked hugging me.

"Well she's still giving me a hard time for not entering her stupid team." I replied hugging him back.

"Well you gave her a great lesson" Chris said placing his arm around my shoulders.

While walking to my chemistry class with Chris and Jason, i felt someone place their hand on the small of my back and instantly felt my heartbeat accelerate.

"Hey" someone murmured real low that even Chris and Jason didn't hear him.

It was Sky he had come from behind me placed his hand on my back, whispered a quick hey and walked ahead of me to chemistry never giving me the chance to answer him.

I sped off to chemistry when both Jason an Chris went in their different ways to their respective classes.

"Good morning" the teacher said waving at me.

"Hi" i replied smiling then making my way towards Sky who's sitting in our usual spot.

"Hey" i said as I sat down.

"I heard your conversation with Lola what's going on in your life?" He questioned.

"I... I don't want to talk about it." I said looking away my eyes watering. Ever since the divorce, my mom was never home when i came back from school. I was worried about her not taking the divorce in a good way and maybe causing harm to herself? Though she's been looking better lately.... I was really lost. I grabbed my phone and texted my dad.

"Hey i need your address" I sent, then locked my phone and placed it away in my bag.

"Okay! If you want to talk about it, let me know." Sky said staring at the paper in front of him again. I stared for some seconds before questioning him.

"Sky why are you being nice to me?" He looked confused.

"You don't want me to?" He asked disbelief evident in his eyes.

"No that's not it on the contrary I'm grateful but i don't understand why you are. I mean I'm not dumb i see the way your treat students like Aaron for example and i see how you only hang out with those two guys and how each day you leave school with a different girl seated on your motorcycle behind you. So i jut want to know why are you being nice to me?" I looked at him as he froze in place.

"I don't know" he answered.

"Maybe you're right maybe I shouldn't be" and with that he exited the class before it even replied. What have i done?

When the bell rang I made my way to my locker then to the cafeteria. When i opened my locker a piece of paper fell out of it. I took it and opened it

"meet me at the back of the school we need to talk. Sky" I read the paper again before folding it and placing it in my back pocket.

I finished getting what ever books i needed and put away the ones i didn't as I changed my direction heading towards the exit. I walked to where the paper directed me to and there i found Sky sitting on the ground eyes closed his phone in his hands and his music on.

"You wanted to talk?" I asked him. His eyes bulged open as he realised I was here.

"Jesus Christ you creeped me out." I nod.

"Yeah i wanted to talk to you about Chemistry." He continued

"what about chemistry?" I asked confused.

"I... " He racked his hand in his hair that seemed so soft i wanted to walk over and play with.

"I'm sorry for the way I flipped and changed moods. This morning I was really happy I saw you even though you were with those two guys and then i got really angry and left." He didn't really seem apologetic but he wouldn't bring me all the way here if he wasn't sorry right?

"Yeah okay" I said turning to leave.

"NO wait!" Within seconds he was standing and holding my wrist. He looked at me with what i thought was envy as the tension between us thickened.

"okay...I... I have to go." I said removing my hand from his grip and basically running away to the cafeteria.
I walk over to our table, and for once i found Yasmine and Lucas there.

"Hey guys sorry got; side tracked." i said sitting between Chris and Jason.

"Hey I've been worried you left or something." Jason said looking at me with worry.

"No i wouldn't leave without Chris. I gave him a ride today." I said smiling.

"You seem off is everything alright?" Lucas asked concern chiming in his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine just not so hungry." The bell rang after around 10 minutes. I walked out of the cafeteria with Jason by my side, his hand wrapped around my shoulder as we laughed together on some jokes he made.

The second i stepped out of the cafeteria, i spotted Sky leaning on the door. I smiled and walked away.

"Hey Maria?" sky called. I turned around, Jason followed my lead as he was typing on his phone but the second he spotted Sky, his eyes turned deep red. He seemed furious.

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