Chapter 11: I'm Falling For Him.

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Lucas in the attachment by the side!
My dad arrived at the same exact time when Jamie pulled me for a hug. Sky was standing behind him. I tapped Jamie's back and once she realised stuff were getting awkward, she set me free.

"Thank you Maria. I hope we will be having a better relationship you and I." She said looking hopeful.

"Umm... Yeah." It took everything in me not to curse the poor lady out, not throw out some rude comment, not to say what was on my mind. I just walked back to my seat and stared at my lap.

"You wanna eat more?" My dad asked.

"No I'm done thank you." I said throwing venom at him.

"Fine lets drink champagne for our new family then." My dad raised his cup and so did Jamie, Sam, Brandon and Sky.

"Maria?" My dad called. I sigh but eventually raised my cup.

"To my wife-to-be, Jamie." My dad kissed her and hit his cup with hers.

"To my beloved strong son-in-law Bradon." My dad said also collapsing glasses with him.

"To my beautiful daughter-in-law Samantha." He said staring at Sam with so much love.

"To our family's friends." Dad said looking at Sky,

"and last to the best daughter anyone could ever ask for in this entire world. I know you probably still didn't forgive me and won't any time soon but you need to know that I love you so much and you will always be a huge part of my life. Here's to you Maria."

My eyes filled with tears as my dad drank from his cup and everybody else did.

I took a sip and placed my cup back on the table.

"Can we leave please? I don't want to be a party pooper but you have to wake up early tomorrow." Jamie said whinning.

"Sure we can darling." Dad said making all emotions drain from me. I stood up and we all went to leave. Sky walked by me but never spoke to me. We got into the car and i fell asleep on Sky's shoulder.

"Maria, we're here." Sky said removing the hair off of my face. I looked up to see my father's mansion.

"Yes thanks." I said.

I got out of the car as Sky followed me.

"We had fun tonight." Sky said his hands in his pockets.

"Yeah minus the dinner part it was a great night." I said hugging the huge teddy bear Sky won for me.

"So I'll see you tomorrow for the chemistry sessions?" Sky asked looking uncomfortable.

"Yeah sure!" I said. "Oh by the way i hate to close the shutter of my window so please just don't peak at me while I sleep." I said smiling.

"Why don't you close your shutters?" Sky asked.

"Psychological issues." I replied.

Suddenly, while we were talking Sky's house's door opens revealing Chris.

"Maria! I would've bet i was dreaming what are you doing here?" Chris asked hugging me.

"Long story short my father lives here." I said gesturing to the house behind me.

"What about you?" I asked though i already knew he lived here.

"Long story short I'm his step-brother." Chris said gesturing to Sky.

"What!!" I asked shocked. "Why don't i know that?" I asked slightly hurt that Sky didn't inform me.

"Hey Maria, we wanna sleep come here sis!" Brandon called.

"I got to go guys but you did not escape my question." I said moving my finger between sky and Chris.

"Goodnight sweety!" Chris said hugging me tight.

"Good night babe." Sky said low as he hugged me placing his arms on my lower back and sliding them slowly to wrap around me then kiss my neck as i inhale his perfume for one final time for the night my heartbeat accelerating in my chest.

"Good night." I said kissing his cheek.

As i walked away towards Brandon, i heard Chris say

"Don't fuck with her feelings man she doesn't deserve it." And then i was inside.

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