Chapter 16: Stuff Are Getting Worse around here.

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"Sometimes its better to be kept in the dark than be blinded by the light!" That's exactly what I thought as Sky drove us back home. I had just finished my practice and felt more than exhausted so I made Sky drive us as I sat in the passenger seat half-asleep already and thought about my mom and what I saw.

How could she? She blamed my dad on everything! Made him feel like a piece of shit because he betrayed her; and now... I find her in bed with this other man!!! She definitely was seeing that guy before the divorce cause its only been 1 week- you cant meet someone in one week and go to bed with them in the other.

"Well it depends ba... Maria." Sky was about to call me babe and that made the butterflies in my stomach flutter more as i realised i was speaking not thinking.

"Wait did I just talk about my mom aloud?"

"Im afraid, yes!" Sky said smiling his eyes never leaving the road.

"Shit i didn't mean to sorry..."

Sky parked in front of our houses and got out. I dragged myself out feeling sleepy. Sky came and took the practice bag from me. We entered the house and the second I passed by the salon, i found my mom and dad seated silently.

"Hey dad!" I said and made my way to the stairs.

"Maria!" My mom's stabbing voice came to me.

"I'll be in your room." Sky whispered placing a kiss on my cheek as he greeted my parents and left.

"Yes?" I asked with too much venom it made my mom shiver.

"We need to talk." She said looking all serious.

"No thank you." I turned on my heal.

"Maria please." My mom pleaded.

"Why would you want to talk? You don't care anyways? You guys both of you first made your lives together and got me and Joseph then you decided to divorce alone without taking anyone's damn opinion and now you tell me you want to talk??? No we should've talked previously now its useless. Anyways what do you want to talk about? You want to explain to me what you were doing in bed with that man?" I asked feeling all my previous anger surfacing.

"I wanted us to talk about everything the one week here one week there the thing you saw previously today your dad and I... Everything." My mom said looking ashamed.

"I don't want to know anything. I don't give a fuck... I still have this year and then I'll be in college I'll take a dorm and leave finally!"

"Maria i..."

"Mom save your breath I don't want to talk to you."

"But..." My mom tried again.

"Jane leave her she doesn't want to listen to you." Dad said frowning.

"Danny do not interfere between my daughter and i because what you did was unacceptable." She said making my dad look less comfortable.

"And what you did was acceptable right?" I said leaning on the door. "At least he did admit his betrayal unlike you. You got all you wanted from the lawyer: the house, the lands, money while you have done the same crime mother. How dare you even look us in the eye. You made us all believe that you were the miserable one, know we're all shocked to know that you were the one who stabbed us. That doesn't make dad's mistake any better but it shows that you weren't so clean yourself." Mom looked between me and dad then grabbed her purse.

"I'll see you next week" she muttered and left. Dad smiled at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Dad I'm on your side now because of what she has done but it does not mean i forgive you."

"I know sweety, i know." I nod then turn around to find Jamie behind me.

"I made some pancakes." She said smiling at me.

"Ill pass but thank you." I moved away then remembered "oh and by the way i eat sugar-free cupcakes in the morning not waffles." I walked up the stairs. I was actually starving but i just didn't feel comfortable eating something she baked. I got into my room and i found out it was empty. I looked around and saw the balcony door opened, sky must've jumped from my balcony to his. I get into the shower when i heard a large knock on the door.

"Get out already!!!" It was Maya. Excitement flooded through me as i rinsed my body and hair real fast and dried myself got dressed in less than 2 minutes and was out. Maya was sprawled on my bed a magazine between her hands. The second she saw me, she got up and ran into my already opened arms.
We spent the rest of the night talking while Sky and I texted back and forth. Maya ended up crashing at my place after watching a romantic movie that made us both cry our hearts out.
The next day was competition day.
I got up early waking Maya with me.

"Damn you Maya I'm gonna be late get up!!!!!" I was stressed and was trying to calm my nerves by yelling at Maya.

"Seems like someone's stressed?" Sky was on his balcony, topless and leaning over the railing. I got on my own balcony opening the curtains.

"Good morning and yes i am!" I said trying to remain still.

"Hey hey come here its gonna be alright." Sky said running his hand up and down my arm. He thought he was soothing me little did he know that his act caused my stress level to increase by a thousand times.

"Yeah you're right." I said breathing.

"Come on go get dressed and hop in." I said walking back inside.

"Maya i swear to my God if you don't wake up right now I'm getting a bucket of cold water and spraying it all over you." Sky laughed from his room as I smiled proud that i was the reason behind this melody.

"Fine!" Maya groaned finally getting up.

"Good" i got into the shower and closed the curtains when Maya came in and brushed her teeth.

"Wt tie ish da copetition?" Maya asked her mouth full of soap.

"Its in only 3 hours Maya were late" i replied rinsing my body.

After what seemed like forever, we were ready to go. When i got downstairs, I realised that Brandon and Sam each brought a couple of their friend and were wearing black clothes to match my swimming suit.

"Hey Danny!" Maya ran into my dad's arms. She really was like my sister.

"Maya long time no see!" My dad said and then he started to present her to everyone. I disappeared slowly and went to the kitchen as i drowned cups of water one after the other.

"Still stressed?" Someone asked making me jump.

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