Chapter 21: My New Bestfriend

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"Why don't you like... think about it?" my dad asked clearly disappointed. "It might end up being a good choice."

"No dad don't bother. I'm not ice skating ever again and thats final."

"But you used to be so good at it. You used to really be a star on the ice. You were so easy going so lovely. Even at the age of 14 you grabbed the attention of universities. And you used to love it!!"

"Dad please stop."

"Everybody falls and makes mistakes Maria. But it should not stop you from pursuing your dreams. Just think about it one more time and i want you to try it once again. If you don't feel anything I'm the one who will ask you to leave." Dad said placing a kiss on my forehead and leaving.

The doctor came behind him.
"So how'd it go?" He asked me.

"So i can ice skate but i cant swim!" I asked him venom dripping out of me.

"Yeah because swimming consists entirely of the usage of the hands i mean shoulders. While ice skating doesn't!" The doctor replied smiling evily.

I don't like him i thought as the door flew open.

"Visiting hours are over." The doctor said looking at... Yasmine?

"Umm... Ayy I know I'm late sorry but i just came down from ze village to see Maria and I'll have to leave again in like sirty minutes cause its a far drive so I can like have only 10 minutes with her nay?"

Yasmine was speaking in a strange accent as she was lying through her teeth and her eyes didn't even flinch she looked apologetic and begging and much to my shock the doctor believed her.

"Okay 10 minutes not more."

"Thank you." She said bending down and dragging a box with her. She smiled at the doctor as she opened the door for him to leave.

"Okay very well...." And he left.

"You didn't even tell me you got into the hospital??" She asked her hands on her hips and a scowl on her face.

"Im sorry i don't have my phone plus i thought you knew from the people who were in the competition."

"Oh yeah about that no one told me except for now." She said sitting on my bed. "But don't worry I'll come and watch you next time!" She said smiling giddily.

"There's no next time Yas." I said looking out my window.

"No next time?? What do you mean?" She asked me frowning.

"You see my shoulder dislocation lead to the weakening of my shoulder ligaments and eventually the doctor decided that i can not perform any kind of sport that involves the shoulder like basketball or swimming...." I said looking bak at her.

"Well this sucks!" She said. "What are you going to do?" She asked me taking my hand in hers.

"My dad wants me to get into ice skating again." I said

"Oh you used to ice skate."

"Yeah three years ago and then i stopped." I said dreading the question to come.

"Why did you stop?" Yas asked her eyes widening.

"Because i... I don't like to talk about it."

"You know talking can make you feel better."

"Yeah i know."

"You can tell me whatever you want and i promise I'll forget it all the next second."

"Okay but you'll have to promise not to tell anybody cause even Maya doesn't know." I said.

Yas passed her hand infront of her lips as if zipping them with an imaginary zipper.

"Okay... It all happened in my last competition. We still had 3 hours till the competition and i was training my moves. For the first time i was dancing solo and not with a partner and my coach told me that i should try a move that i knew was far too hard for me. I begged him not to make me do it but he said that at the level that I am at I can easily do it. So i gave it a shot and it did work. I was extremely happy. Girls from higher levels envied me for being able to do it so perfectly. Then while training i kept on performing the move without too much difficulty. And as i was repeating it one last time before heading home to shower and wear my competition suit, my boot betrayed me and got stuck into the ice causing my jump to decelerate and my fall to be assured. After it I couldn't walk for 3 months. Though the doctor said i could continue with the ice skating normally... but the thing is that the next time i was about to step on the ice fear paralysed me and since then, i never ever, ever put my leg on ice again."

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