Chapter 13: My Secret!

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Maya in the picture by the side!
Once we got to BK, we directly went to the counter to get Jacob food.

During the entire ride, Jacob asked me questions saying that 'he would like to know me better.' He was a total sweetheart and really nice. He listened to me when i told him anything and he's only 5 years old. Plus he looked a whole lot like his brother.

"Good afternoon how can I help you?" The guy behind the counter asked.

"Hey! We would like a chicken burger and.... What do you want to drink or eat." Sky asked looking at me with so much love or maybe i was imagining it?

"Umm... Water." I said looking at the guy behind the counter.

"...and two water bottles." Sky said.

"Okay that would be 5 bucks."
Sky paid and we walked over to a table.

"Can I go play now?" Jacob asked me.

"Umm... Sure?" I said looking at Sky who nodded in approval.

"Okay thank you!" He said wrapping his arms around my neck.

Once Jacob disappeared I took my Chemistry book out.

"You don't like to waste time at all do you?" Sky asked smirking.

"Yeah why loose time if we can make good use of it?" I ask flipping through the pages.

"Can we not start right now and just chat?" Sky asked me as he leaned forward on the table.

"Okay let's talk." I said closing my book and leaning on it. "What are we going to talk about?" I asked.

"What do you want to talk about?"

"What about we begin with why didn't you and Chris tell me that you are brothers-in-law." I said smiling.

"Fair enough. My parents used to fight a lot my dad abusing my mom mentally not physically. He'd make fun of her. Tell her how the prostitutes he slept with made him feel more euphoric than she ever will. He was a total asshole to the extent that one day i hit him full force in the face and i was only 14. He hit me back and there was blood a lot of it. Now of course he was drunk and i was angry but the police got involved and then the divorce began. The second the judge looked at me to ask me who i want to stay with i directly pointed to my mother and Jacob was still a baby so he was obliged to stay with mom. Then after a few years she met Chris's father. Chris's mom died when he was a new born and thus my mother was like a mother to Chris she fell in love with his dad and now we're a big family." Sky said leaning back crossing his arms over his chest.

"What about your dad?" I asked.

"I donno and i don't want to." The second he finished his sentence, my phone started to ring. It was my mom.

"1 second." I told Sky as I answered.

"Hey mom."

"Hey Maria." My mom replied her tone serious.

"How are you?" I asked worried about her.

"Maria have you been taking your medicine?" My mom asked worry and sadness filling her voice. I sighed as I ran a hand through my hair.

"Mom i already told you I don't want to." I replied.

"It's not a matter of wanting Maria its a matter of needing." She said her voice rising.

"Well i don't need it either." I replied coldly.

"Okay" she said breathing in. "I need you to pass by the house and take the medicine boxes with you to your dad's and once you come back, i want to see them with you." She said trying to keep her calm as her voice shaked.

"Mom please. I'm fine i don't and won't have cancer just stop worrying and I'm perfectly healthy."

"You have vitamin supplements prescribed from the best doctor in the country. We flew all the way to Los Angeles to meet him and he said you need the vitamins as well as all the other medicines to get those boils off your back because as he said they could be cancerogen."

I was 13 years old sitting between bald people. Nurses passed by throwing me sad smiles as they watched such a small figure suffer from cancer. But the thing is I DIDNT HAVE CANCER! I just had a huge risk to do.

Cancer ran in our family a lot. Both my paternal and maternal grandparents passed away from cancer. The boils on my back were something i couldn't tolerate. Usually i would shield them with my hair but then, they were something one should worry about. I've had them since i was young and i saw several doctors to try and get rid of them but it was no use no one was able to make them disappear. My mom was worried sick and so was I but I had a strong feeling that nothing will happen to me. I walked over to the doctor's office with my mom on my heal.

"Hello.... Maria right?" He asked. I nodded.

"I'm doctor Smith, i will be treating you in hope that you wont have anything serious. I just need to take a look at your back please?" He said sweetly. But i knew better than to trust doctors.

"Don't touch" i ordered as i turned around grabbing my hair and throwing it on one side of my face in front of my shoulder to keep them out of the doctor's way and lifting my shirt.

"Mmm... I see." he grabbed a magnifier focussing on the boils better. " At this point, they're nothing serious. But we have to treat them cause if we don't, they might end up becoming serious. can i check something else too?" The doctor asked me.

"Depends! I replied.

"Did you eat before coming here?" I shook my head it was still 9am.

"I need to take a sample of your blood to study it." He grabbed my hand and filled a good half cup with my blood. I had to drown two bottles of water after that. The next day i went back to the doctor's clinique.

"Hey! Any results?" I asked sitting i front of him.

"You need vitamins a lot of them. You're not healthy enough and if you want to start the boil treatment you need the vitamins. Here are some medicines and creams you need for both the boils and the vitamins." I thanked him as I left and since then, i had to visit him each 3 month to make sure the cancer cells are still dormant and the pills are making a positive turn on me.
*end of flashback*

"Maria are you still with me?" My mom asked.

"Yes mom." I said.

"Please honey come and take them for my sake only i beg you." She said.

"Fine ill pass by tomorrow." I said hanging up.

"What is it?" Sky asked me once i came back. Jacob was seated devouring his burger. I grabbed my bottle and opened it gulping down the water.

"Nothing much. Mom wants me to pass by and get some stuff from home." I replied.

"You mean the pills?" Jacob asked his mouth full of ketchup. I looked at him fear hugging every bone in my body.

"Who told you so?" I asked.

"I heard you talking to your mom about pills and cancer." Jacob said taking another huge bite off his burger. Sky looked at me frowning. I looked away.

"Come on Jacob eat faster, Maria and i need to finish studying." Sky ordered his cold eyes never leaving mine. Great now i have to explain that too.

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