Chapter 37: The house.

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"Ouu i like where this is going." Chris said smiling at me.

"Okay the concept of the game is clear i said. Its like dare or dare but slightly different. In this game lets say I'm daring you Chris. I give you two dares one which I tell you about and the other which i keep a secret. You can choose between either the first dare and do it or take a risk and choose the second dare. The second dare can be worse equal or better than the first one. Clear?" I ask them as they both smirked.

"Okay let's start." Sky said as he watched me hard. "I dare you Chris to go and sit in the lap of either Jason or Daniel or you could choose the other dare." Sky says smirking. I look at Chris through the rear view mirror.

"No way in hell I take the risk." Chris says determined.

"Okay the other one is choose any of the two girls and sit on their lap." Sky said making me erupt in laughter.

"Thats unfair." Chris pouted as i laughed hard. But nevertheless he walked up to Soph, since Yasmine was already asleep and sat in her lap earning a push from Jason and a friendly slap from Soph.

"Okay my turn." Chris says. " I want to dare you Maria to stop the car and drive to mac Donald's ask for food and pay and all then ask them if they had the burger king's chicken Royal burger. Or the other."

"Thats a really lame dare but I will do it. Anyone in for ice cream?" They both nod. "Anyone wants ice cream?" I ask the people in the back as they all nodded except for Daniel.

I get us all ice creams making sure to get one extra as i asked the woman about the chicken royal as she answered "we are in Mac Donald's here not Burger King honey."

Once i drove away giving everyone their cones I handed Sky two as i gestured for him to approach and murmured.

"My dare for you is to smash this cone on Chris's shirt or the other." I said smiling.

"You really are evil ba..." Sky cleared his throat as i bit my lip.

I watched in the rear view mirror as Sky slowly approached Chris and smashed the ice cream in his hand ruining the shirt the latter was wearing.

"Fuck you Lambert!" Chris cursed as Sky and I erupted in laughter again.

The game went on longer and slowly
People started to join in it until we arrived to the destination.

"So this is the house." Sam said smiling as she held Paul's hand. We stood in front of a two story house. It looked old but wonderful. It was a few meters away from the ocean and extremely magnificent.

"Okay so shall we unpack?" Daniel asked as he walked over to my car again. Yas was still asleep so he carried her, over to wherever Sam directs him to, and places his and her bags in the same room.

I walk over to the trunk as well, grab my suitcase and roll it to wherever Sam tells me to. I was ordered to go to the second floor third door to the left.

"You like views so here you go." Sam said winking at me and smiling as she handed me a key.

"Thank you Sam." I say clutching the keys and smiling. I walk to my room and unpacked. Once I'm done everyone is seated downstairs. I take a seat between Chris and Sky.

"Did you mean to come sit next to me or is it by coincidence?" Sky asks me low enough for only me to hear, as he ran his fingers on my hip.

"Sky stop." I say grabbing his hand in mine.

"Entwine our fingers or I'll tickle you." He ordered.
I did as commanded and realised that his hand fit perfectly in mine as it swallowed it whole.

I watch our hands then look up to see Sky staring at them too. Then his eyes met mine as he murmurs, "i wish you were mine."

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