Chapter 8: Going to My Dad's

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Jason in the attachment at the side.
The air had thickened between Sky and Jason. Jason looked angry and Sky looked slightly at unease.

I looked back and forth between the two not really knowing if i should break the silence or not so I decide against it.

We stayed there for a good minute to watch Jason and Sky have a staring contest. I continued my way to class and as i passed by Sky i touched his arm

"bye Sky."

"Wait" he said smiling at me before throwing a smirk in Jason's direction.

"So what did you decide?" I asked referring to the chemistry sessions I was giving him.

"Umm tomorrow should be good." He replied as Jason moved forward and for the first time since i met him, he placed his arm around my waist.

"What are you doing tomorrow babe?" Jason asked me not looking at Sky.

Was he trying to give Sky the impression that we're dating?

"Nothing Jason I'm going to be with Sky for 4 or more hours and then I'm gonna need an hour to review for a few exams i have next week and go to swimming practice of course. But after 9pm I have nothing." I made sure that my schedule was really filled so that i wouldn't have to deal with my dad and shit. Already knowing that I'll be living with him and his girlfriend for 2weeks per month made me want to puke really.

"Okay I'll talk to you so we could go out or something." Jason said leaning in and giving me a long kiss on my cheek really close to my mouth.

"I'll see you later babe."He said smiling at me.

"Lambert." He said nodding towards Sky and left.

"I didn't know you guys were dating." Sky said.

"Thats because we aren't." I replied.

"So friends with benefits?" He asked winking at me. I looked deadly into his eye

"do i look like someone who would agree to be someone else's 'friend with benefit'?" I asked.

"No sorry" Sky replied laughing and raising his hands upwards in defeat. He walked me to biology class and left. I spotted Yasmine who smiled brightly at me.

"Long time no see hun." I laughed

"yeah I've been busy with my swimming and studies."

"Yeah I've been busy with studies and dancing too. Sometimes i really feel like i should stop but then... I love dancing too much it became part of my routine." She said smiling.

"Yeah I feel the same about swimming though i never thought about stopping it. I like to swim a lot but with my shoulder dislocations, I'm not sure how much longer I'm gonna be able to continue." I said looking at the ground sad that i might have to stop my only passion and the only stable thing in my life.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Yasmine asked me

"After 9pm nothing why?"

"If you want you can come to my place we'd watch a movie or go shopping or something?" She asked me hopeful.

"Yeah sure, can I get a friend with me I think you will really like her." I asked referring to Maya

"yeah I'd love to meet her."

School ended really quick and finally it was time for the weekend. I walked to my locker retrieved all the books that I needed then went over to my car to find Chris leaning on it typing on his phone.

"Hey ready?" I asked.

"I've been working on my yoga and my stress during the day in order to be able to get in your car again." I laughed.

"I wont go too fast i promise."

"Fine" Chris said getting into the passenger seat.

I drove Chris to his house then drove to my swimming class.

"Hey" coach Robert said greeting me.

"Hello" i said smiling.

"How's the shoulder?" My mom and coach Robert are really close friends so he like knows everything about me. He became kind off like an uncle to me.

"Fine" i said "though it made me lose my chances to get into the school team." I said stretching my muscles.

"Don't worry. All you have to do now is focus on Sunday's competition." He said moving me to stand in front of the pool

"on your mark," I breathed in closing my eyes

"get set" I raised my hand over my head

"Go!" Robert said finally blowing into his whistle.

And i dived in causing ripples to form around my body. After one and a half hours of swimming, the session was over.

"You did great today, your improving a lot." Robert said handing me a towel.

"Yeah but it does not cancel my fear of getting my shoulder dislocated." I said drying myself

"I know but don't worry we'll find a way."

I drove back over to the address my dad sent me. It was the house directly next to Chris's. Here goes nothing. I tapped on the door as a woman came forward and opened it.

"Can i help you?" She asked smiling.

"I... I am..." My voice was barely audible.

"Hey Maria." My dad said smiling from behind the woman.

"Oh thats Maria hello how are you?" The woman asked trying to hug me as i moved backwards

"fine" i said adjusting my bag on my shoulder.

"Can i know where my room is?" I asked. Rude enough but i didn't care.

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