Chapter 26: In Court... Again (2)

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The tension in the court was deadly as i waited impatiently.

The judge was going through some papers, my mom was talking to her boyfriend and giggling in a low voice. And her lawyer just kept on throwing me death glares as i raised my eyebrows at him challengingly.

I sat there for what seemed like forever until the doors finally opened revealing Jamie and a woman at her right.

"Hi sweetie you alright?" Jamie asked placing her hands on my shoulder.

"Yeah thank you." I replied feeling ashamed. I didn't want to rely on her but i had to in order to piss my mom off.

The woman with her who happened to be the lawyer shook my hand as she sat down next to me and asked me,

"Do you know why you're here?"

"Not really."

"Okay very well can we begin now?" The judge asked looking at me.

"Yes sure." I replied sitting by the lawyer, Jamie behind us.

"So... Miss Steel, you have been convicted here from your school upon the request of your mother. She says that you were planning to not come to her house tonight, is that true?" The judge asked me.

I looked over at my mom. Day by day i watched as the woman i was so fond of revealed her true self to me.

"Yes..." I replied not removing my eyes off of my mother.

"And you know perfectly well that the court decided that each friday you alternate between your mother's and father's house isn't it?" I nodded again.

"Well then can your lawyer explain what had happened?"

I looked at her. I didn't even know her name she doesn't know shit about me.
My lawyer stood up.

"Mr. The judge. Upon the court's demand, Maria had been suffering of exchanges in houses for half a month already. She went to her mom's house and then to her dad's upon request. But the thing is that last friday, once she got to her dad's it was late and she couldn't enjoy his company much. The next day which happened to be a saturday, she went out all day long in order to tutor someone and go to her swimming training which her mother here." The lawyer pointed to my mom. "Requested her to attend." I sat there baffled that this woman knew everything.

"Also, on sunday, Maria had a swimming competition at which, her mother attended and watched as her daughter's shoulder got dislocated causing her stay in the hospital till yesterday which happened to be a thursday. So as her lawyer, i totally understand if she wouldn't want to go to her mother's place tonight and she did explain that to her mother yesterday before the later referred to Maria as an "It" which caused this young woman's abrupt leaving from the room."

She's good I thought.

"Okay if you may stop one second." The judge asked raising his hand in front of my lawyer to silence her.

"Is it true that you referred to your daughter as an 'it' yesterday?" The judge asked my mom.

Her lawyer stood up directly. "My dear judge, we all know that mistakes are done and that out of anger, people say words they don't mean to say plus Mrs. Jane here did say that she's sorry."

"No she didn't." I butt in "she said she didn't mean it not that she's sorry."

"Im sorry sweetheart you cant interfere." The judge said as my lawyer smiled apologetically at me. I scoffed but remained silent.

"If you would excuse me sir but i think that even though said at the wrong time, we should take into consideration what Maria just said. If her mom did not apologise then the other party is, with all due respect, lying." My lawyer said making me smile. I liked her.

"If you would pardon me sir, the other lawyer said but we are not lying Mrs. Jane here did say she was sorry." My mom's lawyer said.

My mom stared at the ground as she blushed. She knew her lawyer was lying and did not bother interfere.

"Mrs. Jane is what your lawyer saying true or what you daughter is stating?" The judge asked looking at my mom.

"My lawyer." She replied as i felt my mouth drop shocked. What the hell?

"We actually have people here. Mrs. Jamie here is the mother-in-law-to be of Maria and she was home yesterday with Mr. Dany, Maria's father and she happened to hear the entire conversation." My lawyer said.

"Please come closer." The lawyer told Jamie as she did.

"Raise your right hand." She did.

"Do you swear to say the truth and nothing but the truth no matter what?" The lawyer asked Jamie.

"Yes sir." She replied.

"Okay repeat after me" and he made her recite an entire paragraph about promising to be honest. Once done he asked.

"Did Mrs. Jane here apologise to her daughter?" The lawyer asked.

"No sir." Jamie replied.

"Okay then you may sit back down. Do you have any proof that you did tell your daughter that you were sorry?" The Judge asked my mom.

The later simply shook her head.

"Okay i think stuff are quite clear. Maria i will please have to ask you to leave back for school while we take the final dissicion." The lawyer asked me.
I tried to fight back but simply received a slight frown from my lawyer.

"Don't fight just go." She said. I thanked her, Jamie and the judge remained in court as I left without another glance directed towards my mom.

I drove off to school and it was lunch break. As i walked towards the cafeteria i spotted something i never even doubted could happen. I was mortified.

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