Chapter 29: A Hybrid, a Ripper and a Witch.

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I turned towards Klaus slowly, admitting defeat. "Fine. I'm sorry, I'm sorry for running," I began before I frowned. Why the fuck was I apologising to this monster? "Actually, no, I'm NOT sorry," I smirked and was satisfied to see he was annoyed.

Klaus sped right behind me and was so close that I froze.

"You will be sorry, love" he murmured, his cool breath tickling my ear. Before I knew it, I was feeling drowsy and I felt myself fall into his arms. "That's it, sweetheart, sleep,"

"You jerk," I mumbled as my eyes closed. Oh no.

Third Person POV:

"You jerk," Talia mumbled as her eyes fluttered shut.

Klaus chuckled as he sported her slim body in one hand while he stuffed a small cloth into his pocket with his other hand. He had knocked her out with a special concoction. Picking her body up with ease, he sped into the warehouse and was satisfied to see Stefan. "Let's leave," Klaus smirked before the two men sped out of the warehouse and out of town. 

Chapter 29:

"Wakey wakey, princess," a voice cooed. 

Talia groaned as she woke up to find herself in an unfamiliar room. She opened her eyes properly to see a smirking Klaus stood over her. "Ugh," Talia murmured as she got up. "Ugh." She straightened her legs and let out a small gasp as her hand, stiff with dry blood, ached.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Klaus smirked.

Talia turned to him and smiled sarcastically, "Gee, thanks for kidnapping me and taking me away from life as I knew it after the bullshit I endured in England. I really fucking appreciate it. Now, where's the fucking bathroom?" 

Klaus clenched his jaw and pointed to a room across from them. Talia glared at him one last time before she walked away. In the bathroom, she opened the hot tap and furiously tied her hair back to wash her face. After drying it, she yawned and looked around. It looked like they were either in a cheap motel or a very homely looking apartment. Talia opened the bathroom with a click and walked into the living room nervously. Sitting down, she shook as she realised that she yelled at Klaus, the monster who is capable of killing a person under a second. 

Fuck. I wanna go home. Talia glared at Klaus; she did not want to give Klaus the satisfaction.

"Are you hungry?" Klaus asked her as he clicked his fingers at a compelled woman and she walked towards him, her eyes dead.

"What do you car- what the hell? Who's she? Leave her alone!" Talia began to panic as Klaus bit into the woman's neck. "Leave her alone!" Talia watched, helplessly as Klaus fed on her before finally killing the woman.

Klaus turned to Talia, his eyes amber before they were his usual blue. "What's the matter, love? I just had my breakfast. There's yours, " Klaus smirked at her as he nodded at a brown paper bag on the worktop. "Now be a good girl and eat before it's cold."

Talia was stunned before she turned around and muttered, "All of a sudden, I've lost what little appetite I had." 

Klaus chuckled as he pulled out his phone. 

"What? What's so funny?" Talia glared at him as she folded her arms.

"Oh, just your so called family and friends still haven't noticed that you're missing, and it's already been a night, " Klaus looked at her with a thoughtful expression. His eyes lingered on her face before he noticed a dark red spot on her hand. "You're bleeding," 

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