Chapter 21: Crash and Burn.

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AN: Anyone recognise the dude in the pic?! It's the creepy stalker Noah! I've changed it slightly so he's NOT infatuated with Katherine/Elena.


Tyler's POV:

All day I avoided Talia. I had the hots for her, badly and was building up the courage to ask her out. I knew I had to do it fast as the other guys liked her too.

I knew she was at the school for the car wash so I waited outside her house in my car. Damn. I've never felt this nervous before. It's usually chicks who chase me and fluster over me but now it was me. I didn't even know what I was gonna say. Sighing, I got out of my car and walked up to the Gilbert house.

After a few minutes I was driving home, my heart beating fast and a huge grin plastering my face. Looks like I got the girl and she was so fucking hot. 

Chapter 21:

"So, should I be worried?" Alaric asked as he handed his daughter a mug of hot chocolate.

Talia took a sip and feigned innocence, "I don't know what you mean."

"There's no point being coy," Jenna smirked as she loaded the washing machine. 

Talia sighed and looked at her dad and at Jenna. "If you two give me a clue as to what you're talking about, that would be helpful," Feeling Jenna's gaze on her, Talia began to butter her toast for something to do. "I like toast. Toast is good."

"You know what." Jenna sat down on the table opposite Talia and smiled, resting her hand under her chin, "you and a certain someone confessing your love for one another."

Talia began to blush. "It didn't happen like that! I- well. We just said we liked each other and now we're going out. I think,"

Alaric looked at Jenna. "I was dreading this. The dreadful teen years, talking about the bees and the birds."

Talia's eyes widened and she dropped her toast on the plate. "No, no no! NO! That's is not necessary. I'm an adult. I don't need 'the talk' at all." 

"Good. You're still a baby, okay?" Alaric spoke as he ruffled his daughter's hair, messing it up.

"Jeez Ric, you deal with teens all day every day at work yet you seem reluctant at home. Our Talia ain't so bad, she's got a wise head on those shoulders," Jenna smiled warmly at Talia as she took a long sip of her coffee. She looked at her watch and groaned. "Well. I'm off. Gotta file a report at work then I'm gonna see Gwen and Stacy, my old friends," Jenna spoke as she got up from the table. 

"Working on a Sunday morning? Aren't you lucky?" Talia smiled grimly.

Jenna chuckled, "the luckiest gal in the world as I get to come home to my beautiful family." She hugged Talia. "Have a good day and don't do anything I wouldn't..."

"Jenna!" Talia blushed. "Stop. You know I wouldn't..." Talia picked up her toast and bit into it. "Maybe..."

After Jenna rushed out of the kitchen and they heard the front door shut, Alaric stood up and ushered Talia into the corner. Looking confused, Talia followed and watched her dad fiddle with something from the pocket of his jacket. He pulled out a small box and Talia gasped, dropping the piece of toast she was holding. "No way!"

"I'm gonna ask her to marry me," Alaric smiled, "I love her so much so I figured I should make her mine. You're happy, right?" he added anxiously as Talia stared at the ring in disbelief. 

Talia looked up at him and nodded. "Of course! I'm so happy for you, Dad!" Talia laughed as happy tears rolled down her cheeks. "Gee, you haven't popped the question yet and I'm already crying," Talia hugged her dad. "So, when are you planning on asking her the question?" 

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