Chapter 26: As I Lay Dying.

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"You're the new witch. Aren't you?" Her voice was soft and I frowned at her. How the hell does she know? "Aren't you?"

"No. Witches are old and ugly so do I look like a witch?" I asked, trying to keep my tone light and carefree. I took a step only to feel something hard hit my head from the back. "Ugh... not again," I groaned as I fell on the ground in almost a slumber.

"Well done, Greta," I heard a man say before I fell unconscious. Again.

Third Person POV:

The two figures gazed down at the girl.

"It's her."

"Are you sure, father?"

"It's her. Let them know." Maddock scooped her up and walked towards his car. Greta followed, taking out a syringe that had been filled with amber liquid.

Chapter 26:

Maddock placed Talia in the boot of his car. "Do it."

"Father, she's the chosen one," Greta mumbled as she raised the syringe and prepared to stab Talia with it. Just as she pushed it in, she exhaled as she pressed the amber liquid in the crook of Talia's neck. "There, that should keep the witch subdued for a while," Greta smiled as she threw the empty syringe on the ground and stamped on it, causing the little liquid that was left to smoke as it burned the grass dry.

Maddox and Greta watched as the skin around Talia's neck began to turn blue before it was a normal colour again. "It's only a matter of time before the witch-hazel takes effect," Maddox whispered as he watched in awe. He shut the trunk. "Come on, let's go."

Meanwhile in the Lockwood cellar, Caroline, Matt and Tyler were stuck, waiting for Stefan to come and rescue them. Tyler and Caroline had been kidnapped again to substitute the werewolf and vampire that Damon had killed to delay the ritual for another month. 

Matt, however, was bungled along with the duo as Maddox could not risk him running for help. He was threatened by Klaus if the ritual did not go as planned. But as they waited, they did not know that Stefan had been caught by Klaus. 

Matt sat on the ground as he put his head in his arms. 

"Ugh. where is Stefan?" Caroline groaned as she put her hands on her hips. 

Tyler chuckled, "poor guy is in for a tongue lashing from you," 

"He'll deserve it," Caroline replied icily, "this is a matter of life and dea- Tyler, are you ok?"

Tyler doubled over in pain.

 Matt jumped up and grabbed Caroline's arm. "It's the full moon, Care!" he pointed at the round moon that was visible through the small barred window.

"Get back in there," Caroline whispered as she slowly walked towards Tyler. "Ty... it's me...your friend, Caroline... are you... um... are you transforming?" 

Tyler looked up and growled, "get back!" as he grabbed at the chain and tried to clumsily tie himself back. 

Caroline didn't need to be told twice as she sped into the cage and pulled the barred gate back towards herself and gasped as her fingers burned.

"Great! Care, you just locked us in with someone who's about to transform!" Matt sighed as he looked scared. 

Caroline looked shocked and tried to push at the gate. "shoot. I can't open it. The vervain is still in me,"

*after 10 minutes*

Tyler's yells echoed in the small cellar and Caroline grew more nervous as each second passed. She phoned Stefan again, but it kept going to voicemail. 

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