Chapter 52: Jealousy is a Bitch.

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Back in Mystic Falls, Talia had just reached Tyler's house after wanting to apologise for being cold towards him. She rang the door bell only for a girl to open the large door. "Hi..." Talia looked at Hayley, who looked uncomfortable. "I just dropped by to talk to Tyler... is he home?"

"No." Hayley spike shortly. "He's... hunting."

"When he was expecting me?" Talia raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," Hayley chuckled. "I guess more important things came up."

"More important than his girlfriend?" Talia asked.

"Apparently." Hayley smirked. "Look, he isn't here so why don't you just leave?"

Talia scoffed. "Fine. Let him know I was here."

Hayley nodded and Talia stalked off. Hayley walked inside the living room. "She's gone." The figure nodded. "So, let's go over the plan once more."

Chapter 52:

"Bloody tart." Talia muttered as she walked along the country lane. She pulled her phone out to call Elena before remembering that her sister was busy with Bonnie. "Argh." Talia kicked a pebble along and sighed. Where was Tyler? Her phone buzzed and she smiled before her face fell. "Lex, hey."

Meanwhile, Bonnie and Elena looked at each other nervously as Jamie walked out of the room. Bonnie walked towards the mantle and held a picture of Jamie dressed in a graduation gown in her hands. "How are you holding up?" Elena asked softly.

"I'll be fine." Bonnie murmured as she put the photo back. "I'm not here to get my mom back, I'm just here to get her help." The two girls looked up and saw Abby, Bonnie's mother, walking in from the kitchen.

"So I hope you guys are hungry, cause... food has always been my go-to ice-breaker." Abby smiled.

"You have a really beautiful home." Elena looked around the room.

Abby smiled as she set the plate of sandwiches on the table. "You're so sweet. Just like your mom."

Elena blinked hard. "You knew my mom?"

Abby nodded. "Miranda was my best friend."

Bonnie's faced hardened as she nodded. "So, you had a daughter and a best friend and you still left?"

Abby sighed. "My best friend is why I left." Elena and Bonnie frowned and Abby continued. "Fifteen years ago, a vampire came to town. Looking for you, Elena. Looking for the doppelgänger. No one could manage to kill him. So I lured him out of town and cast a spell to desiccate him in a crypt in Charlotte."

Elena looked worried. "Mikael. He was an Original vampire."

"It took every ounce of power I had. Almost killed me. I recovered. But my magic didn't. My powers never came back." Abby sighed sadly.

"And neither did you." Bonnie smiled bitterly.

Abby looked at her daughter. "It wasn't that simple."

Bonnie scoffed. "It wasn't? You cast a spell, put Mikael down and then... what? You had to teach Jamie how to drive?"

"Bonnie..." Elena looked at Abby, who wore a sad expression.

"This was a mistake." Bonnie looked at her mother. "She has no magic. She can't help us." Bonnie started to leave, but Abby ran after her and grabbed her arm.

"Bonnie, wait, please. Don't go. Talk to me... please?"

"I'll wait outside." Elena smiled reassuringly and she patted Bonnie's arm. She left and Bonnie sighed.

The Original Queen. (Klaus Mikaelson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now