Chapter 56: No, I Won't Drink to That Shit.

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"What's up?" Stefan asked. The others, Matt, Damon, Caroline and Elena walked towards them too.

"Nothing much, I- Tyl- nothing," Talia sighed. "This party is so dead. Where's Bon?"

"Spending time with her mom." Caroline said.

There was a gentle tinkle of a champagne flute and chatter died down. A beautiful woman stood at the top of the stairs, a champagne flute in one hand and a fork in another.

"Oh, look." Talia murmured as she craned her neck to look up the large grand staircase. "Here comes mama drama."

Around her were Klaus, Rebekah, Kol, Elijah and Finn. "Thank you all for coming." Esther beamed at the smiling faces.

Talia rolled her eyes and Klaus caught her her eyes, smirking. Talia blushed a little.

Chapter 56:

After Esther welcomed her guests, chatter broke out among the guests. "I'll see you later." Elena made to stalk off towards the bar.

"Don't leave me alone!" Talia hissed at Elena, but she was walking away. "What's the matter with her?" Talia asked Stefan, but he just shrugged. "Bloody hell." Talia looked into the distance and her heart dropped. "What's he doing here, with her? Isn't this supposed to be a classy ball?"

Stefan craned his neck to see Ryan dancing with a pretty young woman, Cassie. "Let me see." Stefan walked off and Talia sighed, feeling self conscious in the emerald green dress.

"Good evening."

Talia turned to see Klaus.

"I need a drink." Talia said moodily and she walked away, leaving Klaus stunned that she wasn't caught under his spell. *gif*

Meanwhile, at the drinks bar, Finn walked up to Elena.

"Elena Gilbert, I presume? I'm Finn Mikaelson. You're here to see my mother."

"Is she waiting for me?" Elena asked nervously.

"Her request did not include your friends." Finn spoke in a pleasant tone as he looked at Caroline, who was talking to Tyler, but Elena was at unease.

"They're protecting me. You may not know but your mother's already tried to kill me once." Elena pointed out.

"If you want to see my mother, you'll need to be alone." Finn said.

Elijah started to make an announcement. "Uh, if everyone could gather, please."

"Excuse me." Finn walked off to join his family. The Originals were standing on the staircase as Elijah addressed the large crowd below. "Welcome, thank you for joining us. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance."

"Do you see who I see?" Stefan murmured as he watched Esther stare at Matt and Caroline, who were talking while Tyler watched Talia.

"Oh, yeah." Damon nodded.

"Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom." Elijah looked around with a smile.

Esther began to retreat back and Elena moved from the bar to follow only to be stopped by Damon, who blocked her way. "Don't even think about it."

"She wants to see me alone, Damon." Elena sighed.

"Well, sucks to be her then. Was I not clear this morning?" Damon lowered his voice.

"I was invited, Damon." Elena said.

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