Chapter 11: Caroline's Plight.

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An hour passed and we were both on our way home. Talia had texted Elena that she'd meet her at home before she headed to the Grill. It was almost 6pm when I pulled in the driveway. I had to go to the town house to meet Damon, Mrs Lockwood who was the mayor, Sheriff Forbes and a few other council members. We had to talk about the new threat.

I watched as Talia ran into the house and a few seconds later emerged with Elena. The two girls made their way to Elena's car when I saw from the corner of my eye that Talia was making her way to my car. Gesturing for me to roll down my window. "Hey, kid."

"Hey." Talia tiptoed and kissed me on the cheek. "See you later, dad."

I smiled, feeling even worse about leaving her. Had Isobel, Talia and I stayed together as a family, my wife would have been alive and I wouldn't have missed my daughter's life.

I sighed and watched Elena's car drive off before pulling out myself and making my way to the town house.

Chapter 11:

Elena and Talia were in the Grill when an anxious looking blonde walked in. 

"Hey, that's Care. Oh no, she's still supposed to be on her date with Matt," Elena frowned as she stared at the blonde who was now looking around the room. After spotting them, she made her way towards their table.

"Hey, Caroline. What's up?" Talia asked cautiously and the blonde shook her head sadly. "Ohhh, I think I know what you need," Talia immediately got up and went to the server at the bar "a slice of your best chocolate fudge cake please.W Caroline let out a sob and Talia added, 'make that a large slice. Thanks." Talia sat back down next to Elena, who was now consoling Caroline. 

"The date was perfect. So perfect. But I spoiled it by scolding him when that bitch texted him and he thought I was jealous," Caroline cried.

Talia looked at her sympathetically and asked gently "were you? Were you jealous of Rebekah texting him? I assume the bitch is her, right?" Talia added uncertainly and Caroline chuckled.

The waitress put a huge slice of cake in front of the trio with three spoons.

Elena watched as Caroline tucked in slowly whilst Talia was looking at the girl at the bar. She seemed oddly out of it, as if she was drunk or something. The weird thing is that she was staring hungrily at a small group of friends. She probably fancies one of them Talia thought as she picked up her spoon. Plus she was wearing sunglasses indoors and it was dark outside.

After more than half of the cake was gone, Caroline was a little perkier than she was when she came in. "Do you think I should apologise to Matt? I mean I kinda called him a jerk. Plus in school today, when he walked up to us with Tyler. I gave him a mean look because I was annoyed at him after I texted him that I liked him and he didn't reply," Caroline grimaced as she stared at her fork. "And I ran out on him from our date," she added as she shut her eyes.

"Bloody hell," Talia muttered as she watched the blonde opposite her. Caroline dramatically put her head on the table and groaned when Elena spoke.

"Now's your chance," Elena murmured as she looked up. "Matt's just walked in and he's heading our way."

Talia smiled at the blonde and whispered "Care, you have some sauce on your chin," causing Caroline to wipe at her chin hastily with a napkin. 

When Matt stood at their table, Talia stood up and said, "there's Stefan. Come on, Elena. We'll leave you guys to talk," Talia patted Matt's arm as she went past him.

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