Chapter 4: Alaric's Girl

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Third Person POV:

Talia was still stunned that she actually found her father after almost 18 years. It was an amazing feeling but was also tinged with sadness as she wished her grandparents were here with her.

Chapter 4.

Elijah was still amused at what had happened at the Grill. But he was a little confused, how could a man leave his daughter in another country and not see her for many years? The very idea seemed alien to him. He realised Alaric's reasons for doing so; he wanted to protect Nathalia from the dangers of the world,  namely the supernatural world.

The mature Original looked to see his younger brother lounging on a armchair, clutching a stone and looking at it in curiously. "Any gossip on the Doppelganger front brother?" he asked his elder brother in a British accent. When Elijah didn't reply, the younger man, Klaus looked up at him with a frown. "Seen a ghost?" he smirked.

Elijah had gone to the Grill to talk to Alaric about a new threat when he was interrupted by the girl. He glanced at his brother before replying, "I was talking to Alaric about the situation when his long lost daughter interrupted."

This caused Klaus to look up, "The vampire hunter has a daughter?" he asked in a surprised tone.

"Yes, she's about the same age as Rebekah but is much more innocent looking than our sister." Elijah sighed.

Just then a young woman disturbed the conversation, "who is much more innocent looking than me?" she drawled in a silky voice, followed by another voice.

"Who says you're innocent, Bekah?" he teased his younger sister. His name was Kol.

Rebekah opened her mouth to argue with Kol before Klaus shouted. "Enough before you both find yourselves in your barely cold coffins" he threatened before turning to his older brother. "So, tell me more about the vampire hunter's newly found daughter."

Klaus's POV:

As Elijah droned on about the girl, I found myself strangely drawn to her despite the fact that I've never met her. She could be my new play thing until I was trapped in this stupid town. Ugh, it's a matter of time before I break the moon and sun curse. I looked over at Kol, my younger brother who was listening to Elijah too. Frowning, I knew this wasn't good; Kol only displayed an interest in a girl to use and abuse as a blood bag before killing her. Smirking, I realised I do the same too.

I glanced at my sister, Rebekah, who was looking at her phone. Hmm, she's been out of her coffin a short while ago yet she had mastered how to use a mobile phone faster than I had. Rebekah sighed, her gaze still fixed on her phone before speeding out of the room.

I looked at the stone in my hand and began to turn it over. I can prepare to start the ritual soon or I can go and meet my witch. I looked at Elijah who had asked me a question. "As fun as it has been, I have matters that I need to attend to," I smirked at him. Without waiting for him to say something I speed out. I heard Kol chuckle before he said he'd be at the Grill.

Elijah's POV:

As I recounted the events of the day to Klaus I noticed that his ears perked up as soon as I mentioned that Saltzman has a daughter. He was even more surprised when I elaborated that she was around the same age as Rebekah.

Just then Rebekah and our younger brother Kol, walked into the room. After a few minutes, Klaus seemed to be absorbed into his thoughts. I asked him whether he spoke to his witch but he didn't reply. He was looking at Rebekah, who was texting at an alarming speed. Youngsters and technology I sighed inwards. She sped out without a word.

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