Chapter 106: Elsa Says Let it Go, I Say Burn it All.

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"Oh my God," Stefan, who had gone to pick up a gnome to smash a window, froze. He was looking through the window of the living room, where two figures were clearly visible though the half closed blinds. "Elena..."

Klaus and Damon stopped and sped to either side of Stefan. Klaus's eyes filled with fury while Damon was scared. "When did Elena get here?"

Inside the house, Talia was backed against the wall as she looked at Elena. She knew that Elena had turned her humanity off and did not dare to make a move that would annoy or piss her sister off. "I..." Talia began to tremble and ache for Klaus when she heard his yells mingled with Damon and Stefan. Looking towards the window, Talia watched as Klaus hit the window repeatedly, his hand bloody.

"I've been waiting for you." Elena spoke in a low tone.

Talia turned her attention to Elena. "Elena... let's leave and talk outside. Jeremy- the smell... please, Elena." Talia's eyes teared as the Salvatores tried to get into the house, but were unable to because they had not been invited in after Elena changed the deed to the house yet again. Talia linked eyes with Klaus and saw the look of anguish in his eyes, a feeling that pained her. "Let's go, please, Ele- I can't stand the smell, plea-"

Elena smirked. "Oh, you're not leaving this house. Not now, not ever."

Talia was petrified when something glinted in Elena's hand. A knife. 

Chapter 106:

"No, no, no," Damon rushed over to the front door and tried to kick in it. "Fuck, no!"

Klaus growled as he banged on the window even harder, trying to smash it to get to Talia. "This was done by a witch! Damn it! Talia! Can you hear me, Talia?"

"Klaus?" Talia murmured. "Help me."

"I'm coming, love. hold on!"

"Call Bonnie," Stefan shouted at Damon, "call Bonnie, damn it!"

Angry tears were forming in Klaus's eyes as he continued to bang on the windows to break it. He yearned to kiss and hold his beloved in his arms and was terrified for her being stuck in the house with Elena, who was unpredictable because of her lack of humanity. 

"Bonnie? Gilbert House, come on, I don't care if you're not in the mood, damn it, Talia and Elena need you! Yes, yes, Talia's back. Get here now!" Damon cut the call and swallowed; fearful for Talia and what Klaus would do.

Inside the house, Talia could not tear her eyes away from the knife. "So... how have you been? Did... d- didyoumissme?" Talia's words came out garbled due to fear and anxiety as Elena loomed close to her. She tried her best to ignore the yells from outside the house. "Was I mi- missed?"

Elena sneered. "After the crap you put us all through, you want to know if you were missed?"

"Wrong question. Let's go, the smell..." Talia regretted bringing up the smell because it was now stronger than ever before. "Please, at least the kitchen-"

"Shut up."

Talia swallowed and looked towards the window, where she could now see Bonnie and Caroline looking through the window, her hands on either sides of their faces so they could see in properly. Klaus had been joined by Kol, who were both trying their best to smash into the house. Seconds later, Klaus, Stefan, Damon and Kol were thrown back from the house, which began to glow before it was dark again. Frowning, Talia looked at her hands. Magic. 

"Before you even think about using magic, you can't," Elena spoke darkly. "House is magic proof."

Talia paled.

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