♤♡ Daddy knows best ◇♧

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" *Sip* Hmm, the sweet taste of depression~ "

" Yuki this is apple juice. "

" Quiet child, you are the ban of my existence and will be the cause of my death. So let me do my depression in peace. "

" ...Is it because Jackson went to a party without you ? "

" Do not mutter the name of that traitor, he used this opportunity to catch up to me and now he got almost as much pussies as I do. Might gonna do his mom again as a revenge... "

" What does him having cats is linked to building him a mom? "

" ...Forget about that,  just remember that life is short so you need to live it to the fullest. "

" Even with an STD? "

" Who told you about that? "

" Jackson. "

" Note to my great person, beat Jackson Wang with a pogo stick. "

" Oh! I want to play with a pogo stick! "

" No. Now let's see what we just learned with a story! *grab Notebook* Open your ears and listen :

Once upon a time, a brother and his baby sister. The two were walking peacefully when the toddler saw some good lettuce in a garden and wanted to eat them. The brother in a move of kindness accepted to seek for the food, albeit it was obviously dangerous as it was the garden of a evil wizard who will get extremely mad if he caught them.
The brother with his sister in his arms, jumped above the small wall and placed his sister down before taking one of the lettuce.

- Wow, it was easier than I thought-

He didn't have time to finish before the front door burst open and a young man exit the house, broom in hand and with a mad expression.

- I swear if this is those raccoons in my trash again-

He halted to a stop as he saw the boy in his garden. The two of them looked at each others and didn't dare to move for a few seconds before the wizard let out a violent screech making the boy drop to his knees and hold his sister against him as he begs.

- Sir please don't hurt us! I've only stole from you to feed my poor sister! Have mercy, I beg you!

- Very well, but you have to play a game with me. If you win, you and your sister can take as much lettuces as you want, but if I win then she will become mine.

- I see this as an absolute win!

The toddler in his arms was looking at him in confusion with a frown as he shook hands with the wizard. The two of them did a rock paper scissors and the boy lost. So he had to hand his sister to the wizard and walked away hands in his pockets as he whistles carelessly.

Meanwhile the wizard took the little girl into his home and raised her as his own. When she was twelve he took her and put her in a high tower in the middle of the forest, hiden from all. This tower had no stairs, the only entrance being a long and large window at the top.

And so the girl lived hiden from all, only having the wizard as a companion. Despite the years he still had the same face from the day he met her. Life could be quite awkward at time, such as the time the girl asked where babies came from or when she started to get her period. The wizard was strangely giddy at the latter-

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