♤♡ A stroll in the forest ♢♧

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" Where is that lil' shit ? "

" Who are you talking about big bro ? "

" Rika. "

" She's already asleep. "

" What ?!! She made me go out at this unholy hour to grab her almond milk only to fall asleep before even consuming it ?!! "

" Yes? "

" Sigh... Anyway, wanna hear some story kid ? "

" Yeah ! What will it be this time ! The frog prince? The merman? "

" Nope, we're going to talk about Cinderella. Well more exactly about the prince. "

" What's wrong with him ? "

" Well to be honest... EVERYTHING! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHY HE IS CALLED 《 PRINCE CHARMING》!!! There's literally nothing charming about him !!! "

" Eh ? How can you say that Yuki ? "

" Listen kiddo, I personally think after reading the original story and the one in my notebook again and again, that there is really nothing charming about him! "

" You need to develop brother, or else it's just a personal opinion! "

" I'm coming to it- Wait how do a five years old like you know such words? "

" ...I don't know "

" Anywayyyyyy  . During the story , the prince is labeled as charming mainly and probably only because of his look. I mean Cinderella steps-sis were after him for his position and his look. I swear gold digger those days... *cough* Well beside this there is no other things that distinct him from any good looking noble. Well he is a good dancer but I bet I could dance better than him . "

" That's a little harsh don't you think? "

" Absolutely not , men are trash . They lure you with their sweet words and subtle touch before tossing you when they spot a new prey. Boys are bad , don't trust them before you get a job , a place and a stable life . "

" But Yuki you are a boy . "

" That's where you're wrong , I sexually identify myself as a green traffic cone because I find orange offensive. "

" O_O "

" ...Don't repeat it at school or I won't know how to explain this to your teacher . "

" Okay Yuki~ "

" Now time to sleep you dipshit , go join the brat in your room and I don't want to hear a single noise understood? "

" Yes brother ! "


Humming to myself, I was choosing what I was going to take with me for the school trip. We where going to stay a few days in the forest, sleeping in cabins. And it was going to be great! Because us the members of the gardening club will be able to take sample of what we like back to school to plant in the school's garden. So yes I was pretty excited.

I was in my room looking for my travel bag when the door bell ringed. Quickly running downstairs, I opened the door only to see my fellow friends.

" Hey guys! Come in ! "

" Hi Y/n ! "

My close friends entered my humble abode and made their way to the living room before slumping on the couch . Beomgyu perked up .

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now