♤♡ Taehyun's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Blood, Deadly wound, quick reminder that he tried to kill Y/n, character development on his part.

" The King was so jealous of the beauty of the princess that he wanted it all for himself. And so after his plan to have her killed failed, he used trickery to get close to her in the dwarves house. It took him three attempts before he was able to finally kill her. And as she took a bite into the poisoned apple and fell in an eternal sleep, his joy was so great that he couldn't contain himself and laugh loudly for the whole forest and sky to hear. The sudden realization that he was once again the fairest of them all washed over any other feelings at the moment. That's why he merely spared her one last glance as he went back to his castle...
... On the first few days, the king was elated to finally be back as the fairest of them all. He felt as if all his hard work finally paid off. But once the excitation passed, he noticed that something was weird, missing. He thought a lot about it and conclude it was emptiness. He was alone and no one was sharing their joy with him, because the one who did was the princess. At this realization he ran to the forest, deep inside, and didn't stop before exhaustion came through him. As he finally fell to his knee, he was near a glass casket. Leaning over, he couldn't suppress his tears at the sight of the seemingly sleeping but dead princess .

- What have I done?!! I killed everything I had because I was blinded by hate and jealousy! How did I allow myself to go that far?!! The only person who cared for me is dead by my fault!

In his misery he wept for long as his tears fell down on the glass. Pushing the lid of the casket off. He softly brushed her hair back of the princess forehead before planting a soft kiss on it. The regrets and affection the king had for the princess was enough to break the spell as she woke up from her eternal sleep. Seeing this, the king brought her in his embrace as he begged for her pardon and apologized. The princess forgave him and the two walked back to their castle to rule over the kingdom together. The end. "

" Wow! The king had a heart after all! And he isn't dead and he saved the princess! "

" From his own murder attempt. "

" He still saved her! The two must have been so happy to be together in the end. I'm glad that the king figured his feelings out in the end and learned to not hate the princess. She must be happy too to see he didn't hate her. "

" Well I can't speak for them but, I'm sure that under different circumstances the king and the princess would be friendly toward each other and he wouldn't try to kill her. Sure it would be difficult at first but he would understand that she isn't a danger to him and that he shouldn't push her away. They can better themselves together... "

" Wow, it's almost romantic. "

" Don't even think about it, that would be the most toxic relationship ever. "


The forest was dark and cold. Everything felt more frightening at night. Each ruffle of the leaves of noises from the animals were accentuated and distorted into something more sinister.

With everything that had happened beforehand, I was completely scared and this would probably traumatize me for the rest of my life if I survive this night. I mean there is no certainty that I could go out of here unscathed. There is still a chance, as low as it is, that I get killed or something.

In any case, even if I don't get killed or injured, some won't have that chance. And speaking of injuries, I should wrap my own soon enough before they get infected. Among the differents scratches littered across my body, the most concerning injuries was on my wrist. A deep bite mark, deep enough to draw blood and tear through my flesh. It's a surprise I didn't bled out or something.

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