♤♡ Lucid Dreams ♢♧

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" My fat ass is too lazy today but here we go , Cinderella *clear throat*

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful girl who was very kind and everything that go with it . Her father who raised her for most years, married a noble woman who herself had two girls . The girls were mean even if one was kinder than the other . Anyway the dad died so she was now with her stepmother and steps sisters. She had a poor life and treated like trash until one day.

A message from the castle was delivered at the mansion , it was an invitation to a ball  organised to chose a bride for the prince. All young ladies were invited. The girl wanted to go too and asked her mom who told that she could if she finished her tasks. When she was finished , she changed into a ball gown and meet her sisters. They ripped her dress appart and left her alone in the house.

The poor child run in the garden and cried, but suddenly her fairy godfather appeared in front of her . He let a little laugh as he helped the girl to get ready for the ball  . Soon with magic she was in a beautiful dress and was on her way to the castle. She remembered the last words of the man who told her to be back before the clock strike twelve or the magic will dissappear.

She finally reached the castle and entered the huge ballroom. The king was slowly falling asleep on his chair and looked like a little cat while looking at his son . The golden prince who was able to do almost everything was talking to a group of women when his gaze fall on her . The world seems to have dissappear when they locked eyes . The Prince took her hand and asked for a dance . She immediately accept.

The two dance their heart out , the feeling of love at first sight still lingering on them. They walked together in the garden holding hands and talking under the moon. They were truly enjoying the moment when suddenly the clock hit twelve. Knowing that she had to go back she tried to run away but the prince chased after her . He tried to asked for her name but she couldn't answer him . As she rushed down the stairs, she lost one of her shoes . She didn't had time to go back so she just runned back home and the final sound of twelve of clock hit her as all the magic dissappeared .

Meanwhile the prince had only the glass shoe to found the girl who stole his heart. A few days later, research were made to found the girl . The guards and the prince tried many house before reaching the one of the girl . Her stepmother locked her in the kitchen and the guards tried the shoe on her stepsisters , the prince hearing noise from the kitchen unlocked the door and found the girl . Seeing that it was the prince she almost scream in joy but firstly he made her try the shoe to make sure it was her . When he saw that the shoe perfectly fit . He smile wide before pulling her into a loving hug .

Soon after , the two of them married and the prince made sure to never let the princess run away from him ever again . "

" That's so sweet ! "

" Love can make you determined but you should make sure that it doesn't turned into obsession. "

" Hmm... What should I do ? "

" Just know that being too clingy isn't healthy. "


I woke up in a cold sweat, glancing at my clock I saw that it was 12 a.m in the morning. The sky was still dark and filled with bright point. I was panting heavily and the feeling of fingers on my side was still lingering. I sat on the bed and tried to regain a normal breathing pattern.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now