♤♡ Bad Apple Monarch ◇♧

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Warning : Cannibalism, blood play, toxic relationship, possessive/power play, marking, someone definitely dies by the end of the chapter.

" Oh, what a terrible day to have eyes... "

" Why are saying this Yuki? "

" Ugh, just witnessed some oedipus complexed people- Oh! Did you know adults can feel it too? "

" You mean like, they're attracted to their kid? "

" What?! No that's gross! And that's not it! The effects of the œdipus complex on the parent are residual from their infantile phase that they never completely finished. To fully explain, the hate and jealousy for the same-gendered parent was transmitted to their kid. Thus making the subject feeling jealous of their kid and angry at the prospect of the kid possibly being better than them one day. It's important to note that the unfinished oedipus phase may be related from an event from the childhood that must have triggered/blocked the ending process. "

" I'm not sure to fully get it... "

" Well that's kinda complicated stuff so that's to be expected, psychoanalysis of literature pieces is something you learn in 10th grade. I guess to give you an example, well we can find trace of this oedipus complex in Snow-white with the jealousy of the step-father. "

" Step-father? "

" *pull out Notebook*  Step-father, well at least according from this cursed book. I really dont want to scare my eyesight more than necessary but I'm afraid this book got the REAL stuff, never said they were good tho. "

" Does this mean you will read me the story? "

" To my utmost despair, yes. Now shush, I will start;
It was the middle of winter, and the snowflakes were falling like feathers; a queen sat by her ebony-framed window and sewed. And as she sewed and looked at the snow, she pricked her fingers with her pin and three drops of blood in fell. And seeing this red so beautiful on the white snow, she said to herself:

- Oh! If I had a child with a touch as gentle as the snow, a personality as colorful as this blood and a kindness contrasting to the dark of the ebony!

And so the queen became pregnant soon after this, but the joy was short lived as the King had to go to war. Thus leaving the pregnant Queen alone at the head of the kingdom while he was away. In the middle of her pregnancy, news came from the battle ground of the death of the king. This broke the Queen's heart and made her sick for the rest of her pregnancy. This worried the members of the court as they couldn't afford to lose the Queen and the heir in this time of war.

Fortunately the Queen soon gave birth to an adorable baby girl, the infant was healthy but that wasn't the case of the mother who became even worse.

And so a friend and ally of the royal family, a monarch of a neighboring and powerful kingdom, The beautiful strategist, the King of the Land of Pyroxene offered to marry the Queen to secure their kingdom by unifying them. The marriage proposal was accepted by the Queen who was grateful to have a friend watching over her child as she died soon after the proposal.

However the King was handsome, but proud and haughty to not be able to suffer that no one else surpassed him in beauty. He had a wonderful mirror; and when he stood before it to look at himself, he would say:

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