♤♡ True Ending ◇♧

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Warning: French, the words will be translated in parentheses. Blood, Violence, death, animal cruelty? (It's Jimin as a wolf), insanity

" There is one last tale I must tell you about. "

" Oh really? But I thought we read all the stories of the book already ? "

" That's correct, the story I want to tell you is the most important. It's a story for you. "

" For me? "

" Yes, now listen, it's called: Princess Marguerite est trop petite ( Princess Daisy is too small). Little Princess Marguerite lives in the big castle left to her by her grandparents. What idea did they have to build such a high castle! she often gets carried away from the top of her stool. But, if the fact of being small has its drawbacks, you should know that on the day of her birth, just like every prince or princess, Marguerite received a special gift, her godmother, the fairy Méline, offered the power to make everything grow. Thus, while growing up (if one could say so), Marguerite developed a very pronounced taste for botany.

Regularly, the lords of the surrounding area came to ask her for advice on creating new gardens. Thereby, Prince Antonin summons her to his castle to place an order: the development of a park.

- I would like a magical place where everyone can go into raptures at each step, he explains to Marguerite. So I'll let you plant whatever you want as long as you like it.

- It should suit you more than me, Marguerite intervenes.

- I have already been able to admire your works at a relative's and I have full confidence in your judgment, the prince reassures her.

Prince Antonin asks Marguerite to accompany him to the park so that she can study the various possibilities there.

- Everything must be ready for the next Spring Festival, he tells her. I would like to organize a masked ball there.

Before sending her off, he adds:
- I'm also organizing a ball in five days. I dare to hope that you will honor me with your presence.

- I will do my best to free myself, answers Marguerite confused. I'm going to have to start working very quickly if you want me to finish my plantings on time.

On the way back, Marguerite thinks that the prince is a very charming young man:
- It must be his gift, she gets angry: to seduce all the young girls who cross his path. I have to pull myself together and quickly before I look like all those hysterical people who swoon as soon as they hear his name spoken! When she returns the following days, the prince regularly passes by to see her planting and, on occasion, makes conversation with her.
- Don't forget the ball tonight, he reminds her before leaving her.

Marguerite feels a pang of anguish rising: she will look ridiculous in the midst of all these giants. Moreover, she has to admit, she fell in love with Prince Antonin. She suddenly feels as stupid as those princesses she pities so much. She would so much like to seduce him in turn. But he, who is so big, will definitely never see her other than like a very sympathetic little piece of woman gifted for the botanic.
- Being able to make everything grow and being condemned to remain flush with the nose in the daisies... she sighs.

Of course, magic could make her grow, but when the fairy Méline hears her request, she flatly refuses.

- I will never participate in such a masquerade! she exclaims outraged. Disappointed, the little princess has only one solution: find a potion right away. She rushes to Sofia, the only princess who is gifted in the matter.

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