♤♡ Jungkook's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Blood, gore, murder (mentioned), limbs, gas-lighting, broken reader.

" ...And as the the clock striked at Midnight, the girl tried to run away. The clock loud noise was deafening to the ears as each bang of the clock was making the girl heart beating faster. She knew the magic would dissipate at the twelfth strike. And so has she rushed through the garden to run back home, she could hear the prince plead for her to stay. However she couldn't indulge in his request, at least not tonight, not like this. She had reached the stairs of the entry when the clocks rang for the tenth time. She had an anxious expression at the fear of not making it out before the spell vanish. She rushed down the stairs when she suddenly lost one of her glass shoe. She didn't have the time to reach back for it.
However it was the momentum needed by the prince to reach her and grab her hand. She was surprised but didn't have the time to react as she felt his lips against hers while the large clock striked for the twelfth time.

The spell of the Fairy Godfather didn't fade and she found herself completely paralyzed from amazement. Understanding she didn't need to run anymore, she offered a soft smile at the prince as both of them whent back in the castle holding hands as they went to announce their engagement to everyone.

Wait what the fuck is this? I don't remember the story going like that! "

" Me neither, isn't she supposed to go home and only get with the prince later when he found her at her house with the shoe? "

" Yeah, sounds like this bastard choose to speed run the story and I don't like it at all. Hand me my pen, imma change his fate real quick- "


My breathing was the only noise in the otherwise quiet area. Well although it was the middle of the night, I was expecting at least some owls or the sound of the winds rustling against the trees. And yet nothing at all. Surely this wasn't a good sign.

I was still hiding in the hole and didn't dare to move a muscle as my ears were concentrating on any noise that could be heard. And my bretahing did itch when the sound of feet crushing dead leaves and walking near, reached me. I pushed myself deeper into the rabbit hole while I was getting more and more anxious by the seconds.

Who was it? A prince or a villain? But who can I really qualify a villain after this night, after the ones supposed to hurt me are protecting me and the one supposed to save me are going to be my doom?

And so in the middle of my existential crisis, the footsteps stopped just in front of my hiding spot. My heartbeat was loud in my ears as I hold my breath in and not making any noise. I was praying for the person to move away with all my might.

However my prayers were useless as I got startled as the sudden hands tearing the bushes out of the way. The scream was lodged in my throat and didn't got out as I took on the sight of a bloody Jungkook staring at me with a large grin on his face.

" I found you.~♡ "

Terror filled my being as I was trapped between this monster and the three, I couldn't escape even if I wanted to- Wait I can't escape but I can try to make him dissapear!

And between the tears in my eyes making my vision blurry, I hurriedly opened the Notebook to put him back in. However before I could utter a formula, he pushed one of his bloody hand against my mouth and ripped the book out of my grasp with the other.

" Oh no no no darling, I can't have you try to get rid of me now. I didn't do all of that just for you to get out of my grasp again. "

By taking away the only option left, I finally allowed the water to flow. I lost. I lost to this monster pretending to be a prince charming. I didn't want him to be the one finding me. And meanwhile he cooed at me in faux sympathy.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now