♤♡ Kai's Ending ◇♧

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" As the young girl was kneeling on the ground beside the two cards soldiers. The monarch eyes held a glint of curiosity besides his usual anger. It was surprising to see a woman in here. And so, he couldn't ignore his etiquette as he hold out his hand for to help standing up. He was full of curiosity and a warm fuzzy new feeling when he looked at her face. Pushing this aside, he invited her for a party of croquet. During the party, he was winning as usual and screaming executions left and right. However he found himself laughing and calm as he watched her struggling with her flamingo and hedgehog. And as he was about to secure his victory, she finally managed to roll her hedgehog and went under all the arched cards thus making her win and she called him out for his behavior. The rage he went into scared everyone, including her. She ran away as soon as she could and the king only felt regret after she was out of his reach... "

" Oh that's so sad... "

" Yes but he managed to brought her back for a case as a witness. He claimed the court needed her testimony in this affair of 'egg tarts thief'. Of course she had no choice but to go. She explained that she had no idea of what happened and later by the crazy mess that was the court she couldn't take it anymore and yelled for silence. She pointed out how ridiculous how all of this was and that she was leaving. The king got angry and yelled for guards to stop her. However before this could happen, she grabbed a mushrooms in her apron and ate it, immediately she grew several meters and stood over the king. She scold him for his behavior and told him everything she thought of him. But she failed to notice the effect of the mushrooms fading and by the time she did, she was back to her normal height and the king was looking down at her with contempt. "

" He is going to kill her?! "

" Hopefully not. As the girl realized the situation she put herself in with her big mouth, she tried to make a run for it but she was stopped by the king himself. He had a neutral expression as he hold her wrist. He told her that he understood what she said and is aware of his mistakes. He wants to be a better person and he believes she could be the one able to teach him, if she stays, he is even willing to make her the Queen. The girl felt flustered but understood he didn't mean harm in the end. And so with the pretext of staying just for the sake of Wonderland, she clutched her hand in his own. Both stood and bask in happiness from finding calm and madness to complete each other.
And thus they lived happily ever after.

" This story kinda goes in every direction and doesn't makes sense. "

" That's the whole point, the thing is the girl brought calm to the king and stopped him from throwing another tantrum. As for the girl, she liked the unusual personality of the King and his fatherly love for his kids made him even more loveable. "

" So you're saying? "

" I'm saying that I'm fine with you dating a weirdo like him. "


This is very annoying. I can't believe I'm caught up in the middle of this mess. This situation is crazy and has no logic explanation at all! I can't predict anything and have no influence whatsoever on all of this.

It would be far easier if we could all sat down and talk about this civilly around a cup of tea.

But I guess we can't even afford that, right?

And now what? I stay here until one of them find me? What if none of them find me, then do I stay in this hole till I starve to death? Are they even alive anymore? What if princes won? Then I'm screwed right? But what if it's Yeonjun and the others who won? How are they going to find me? What about casualties? Honestly it's hard to believe one side to have no casualties so surely some of them died right?

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