♤♡ Namjoon's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : gaslight, gaslight, Manipulation, gaslight, gore.

" ...As she had to share a bed with the frog, it was too much for the princess who couldn't bear no more. Being stuck with the amphibian was one thing, but having to share her bedding and being close was another. That's why after throwing the intellectual animal across the room, she left ignoring the call of her name from it.

Huffing and puffing in frustration, she walked by her garden and into the forest. Further that she had ever before. The night wasn't helping her with the surroundings and making it more terrifying. She got uneasy as she realized she was lost, in her previous frustration she didn't pay attention to where she was going.

If it wasn't enough, the sound of something large slithering on the ground and crushing dead leaves with its weight was making her wet herself a little. Already regretting all her life decisions, she could only let out a cry as a giant snake jumped from the darkness and lunged toward her.

Fortunately at this same time the frog jumped in front of her and protected her. It has gone to her search after the princess went out by herself. Worried about her, and wanting to apologize for its overbearing behavior the frog went after her and it was glad it did. Fighting the snake off was hard and the frog got hurt in the process, but it managed to defeat it.

The princess didn't have time to cheer for victory as the frog fell down out of strength. Cradling the body, the girls was softly weeping now as the amphibian had sacrificed its life to save hers. And just as her tears touched its body, in a magical elevation of smoke, the frog turned into an elegant prince.

He told her he was cursed for being too haughty and evil, and he had to be loved not for his appearance but his bravery and selflessness for the curse to break. Of course it was what happened as the princess completely accepted him after that and he apologized too. And so they got married and got lots of kids. The end. "

" What a nice princess story! This version looks a lot like the one we have at school. "

" That's exactly the problem... The only difference with the Grimm Brothers version is that this one doesn't end on the bedroom scene. But there isn't a fucked up twist or wholesome hidden... "

" And? Is that bad? "

" Something is terribly wrong with this story but I can't tell what! It's like whatever there was it has been removed and modified- ...Fuck. "

" Big Brother? "

" Y/n, listen to me intently. Whatever you do, you must always use the most caution as possible and always be aware of your surroundings. There will be sometimes when you're going to be alone and in a remote area, never let your guard down. I can't stress it enough, don't trust anyone and try to not interact with anyone before making it to a safe and crowded area. Some bad people who are awfully cunning and smart might just wait for the first occasion to sweep you away and never to be seen again. That's why...

Never engage with the snakes hissing in the dark."


What a terrible advice. Well it wasn't the advice that was terrible, it was the consequences of not following the said advice of my brother. With how much he insisted on it, I wonder why I only remember it now. It must have slipped out of my mind.

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