♤♡ Jimin's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings: death, gore, drowning, there's a baby.

" ...The Little Red Riding hood had thrown away her brother's advice as she talked to the wolf and agreed to play its game. The wolf grinned maliciously as he told her he would take one path while she would take the other. She did not hesitate to go where he pointed. The wolf snickered at her naivety, as he was never fooled by what was obvious to humans and that of any other race. The girl simply started to walk along the path, meanwhile, the wolf was running on his path. He was clever as he had taken the shortcut path and given her the long road.

She took this route and it eventually lead her into a forest filled with tall trees. As she walked further in she saw no sign that there was anyone there. She decided to keep walking and hoped for the best. However, something grabbed her wrist before she could take another step forward. Turning around to see who stopped her in her track, she glanced up to see a tall man with an axe. It's the Lumberjack, her neighbor who is around her age. He was surprised and worried to see her in this place.

She smiled at the man as he asked her what she was doing so deep in the woods. The Little Red Riding Hood answered the same thing she told the wolf, she was going to bring a basket full of pastries to her grandpa living on the other side of the forest. Hearing this the man let her go before telling her to be careful of the wolf in the forest. The girl simply giggled at this, remembering she already met the wolf but didn't mention it to the Lumberjack. Then she resumed her walk through the forest, stopping every few in a while to chase butterflies and pick wildflowers for a bouquet.

Meanwhile, the wolf had finally reached the cottage of the elder. Disguising himself as the girl he was able to trick the poor human into telling him how to open the door. As soon as that was done, he lunged inside and devoured the old man. Still, it wasn't enough, he was still hungry. So he waited in the bed where the grandpa was before. Finally, moments later, she showed up.

He simply told her everything the man told him before so she could enter the cottage. Once she was inside, the wolf was internally howling in joy as he told her to put the basket away and joy him in bed. The girl was suspecting nothing as she simply did so. As she slipped under the cover, she couldn't suppress her curiosity. As she asked about the different features on his face until she asked about his teeth, at which a shiver went down her spine as he smirk menacingly telling her they were for eating her.
And so the wolf ate her whole...

It could have ended here if it wasn't for someone else. The Lumberjack felt incredibly worried for the girl so he went to check on her at the cottage just to ease his anxiety. But as he approached the door, he glanced at the window and saw the wolf inside on the bed taking a nap, its paw resting on its full belly. Realization of what happened dawned on the man as he is filled with rage, sadness, and despair. His mind was screaming at him to barge in and kill the beast for its act.

However he had to hold himself back from that, the Lumberjack told himself with the tiny amount of hope left that there was may a way to save the Little Red Riding Hood. It's armed with this sparkle of hope and his axe that he quietly entered the cottage. He made sure to move carefully as he approached the wolf. His bloodlust was whispering to him to just decapitate the beast, but he couldn't do that at least not now.

Glancing at the table, he saw a knife near the basket of the girl. Picking it up, he observed the sharpness of the blade before deeming it fit for what he was about to do. He gave one last resentful glance to the deep sleeping wolf before gracefully and swiftly working the knife on its belly, cutting the skin open. The animal was none the wiser as its stomach opened and how grand was the joy of man as he saw the girl and her grandpa.

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