♤♡ Les Lumières ♢♧

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" Voltaire, Montesquieu, Diderot , Rousseau... And you name it . But enough for tonight! It's time for you to sleep. "

" Can I get Winnie the pooh? "

"...You're going to laugh because I don't remember where I put it ha ha ha..."

" *T R I G G E R E D* "

" BUT ! Instead I will read you a story of my notebook. "

" Really ?!! You never read me one of your story! "

" It's because they are special you dumbass. Now shut yo trap and listen. "

" But I don't have a trap do I ? Why would I have one in the first place ? "

" I - Just keep quiet and listen okay ? Here we go...

Somewhere in the world, was a place with the brightest sky and the most colored fields . It's in this place that a young girl and boy were holding hands while playing. The two were very fond of each other but one fateful day, the boy had to stop meeting his friend to concentrate on his study. The girl was confused when her friend didn't show anymore to their play date , she was sad but she continued to live happily.

As for the boy , his mother wanted to train him to become the next ruler. His life become duller each day and his heart turned into ice . Years passed and the land has changed , the once bright sky turned cloudy and grey, the fields lost their colors , flowers exchange their place for snow  and the soft breeze turned into a rough wind .

By now, the two have grown . The little girl turned into a beautiful and kind young woman and the small boy into a strong and cold young man. He was now a king.

The ice king.

One year, the weather has been so bad that nothing were able to be produced in the fields . Fish and animal seems to have dissappear from stream and forest. The people had nothing to substain their needs. Famine soon sprout in the village. The girl refusing to let everyone starve , decide to go on a expedition to retrieve food. At this point anything that was edible would be good.

She walked in the deepest part of the forest and soon found a castle entirely made of ice . She was surprised as she didn't know the existence of this place. Nonetheless she went in to investigate. Her eyes widen when she went inside , the castle was huge and absolutely splendid. She reached the stairs and took them , they lead her in front of a gigantic door . Behind it , she could feel a cold aura along as a familiar energy. Gulping down she suddenly remember a rumor that has spread in the village.

It says that the cause of this poor weather was because of the ice king, his presence had destroy everything and will eradicate all life forms. And this land will be trapped into this eternal blizzard forever, cold as his heart... Realising that if the ice king is really behind this door, he could easily get rid of her. But she was her , it wasn't the time to be a coward, everyone in the village have expectations on her . She can't disappoint them .

Taking a breath , She pushed the door and enter the room. At the other side, someone was sitted on a throne, a crown resting on his hair , he had icy eyes, his gaze send a shiver down the female spine. She still was confident and approach the royal. When she was close enough , she took time to observe his features and her eyes widen in recognition as a tear fall . The boy still having his neutral face , tilt his head on the side in confusion of why the woman was crying.

Submerged by emotions, the girl start to sing the song he and her use to sing when they were young. The boy's expression  changed when his memories from the past come back to hit him . He remembered her now. He stands up and grab the girl , pulling her into a hug. Tears fall from his now brown orb. They confess how they missed each other and how they felt empty without the other. The girl declared her love for the boy and pulled him into a kiss .

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