♤♡ Deus ex machina ♢♧

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" Well , *clear throat but turned into coughing fit* AGEOXBWOAGQI *incoherent noises* "

" Big brother? "

" ...I'm fine, perfectly fine . Anyway how was your day ?"

" Rika tell Max he was ugly . "

" Oh , this isn't nice . You shouldn't judge people on their appearance and I got the perfect story. "

" Yeah story time !~☆ "

" Okay hear me out, once upon a time in z beautiful kingdom. A beautiful princess was playing in her garden with a beautiful golden ball, it was so shiny , so bouncy , so entertaining that the girl could play with it all day . But one day as she was busy making it springing around , the ball fall into the small pound.

The girl froze has her precious fall into the water but she sprint to the edge of the pound to look into it , sadly the water was too deep and she couldn't make out the form of the ball. She started to lose hope when suddenly a frog appeared out of nowhere.

- Why you're sad ?

- (Idk nan molla) My ball fall into the pound.

- What will you give me if I go get it ?

- Anything !

- Then I want to live with you , eat with you and sleep with you in your castle.

- Yeah sure , now can you get my ball pls ?

The frog jumped into the water and came back a few seconds later with the golden object. The girl took it with sparkling and run back into the game to play with her favorite toy . The frog yelled at her to come back but she was already too far to reach her.

The next day, at dinner, the princess and the her brother who was the current king were eating peacefully when somebody knocked on the door. The girl went to open it and found the frog on the doorstep smiling at her . She immediately close the door and rushed back to her seat .

- Who was it ?

- No one brother.

- ... I hope for you that it isn't one of the villagers who you broke the window with your fucking ball again or else we're going to trow hands-

The girl was quick to stop him and explain the situation. Once done , the king was pinching the bridge of his nose before sighing. He told her that she had to keep her promise and motion for her to open the door. The little girl let out a sniffle of misery as she went to open the door. The frog happily made his way inside and jump on the table. As the king was about to ask for another plate for their guest . The frog stop him and told him that he would eat directly from the princess plate.

Her eyes went wide as she glanced between the frog and her brother, he only mouth her to keep her promise and she let out a sigh at this .She was surprised when the frog start a intellectual discussion with the king who was pleased by it . Politics, philosophy and economic. He was making a better job than the actual assistant.

After dinner, the frog told the princess to take it in her bed. She looked at the king with pleading eyes , himself was feeling reluctant but told her to keep her promise. She had a dejected face as she walked in her room and place the frog on her bed . She changed into her pyjamas and swear she heard the frog humming a song while watching her even if she was hidden behind a paravent.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now