♤♡ Yeonjun's Ending ◇♧

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" What's up with you? You're really out of it since I read you that tale. "

" How could I not? My heart longs for this lonely man... "

" What did you just say?! I forbid you to utter such words! "

" Brother? Why are you mad? "

" ...Let's just say, there is no use for such feelings towards this man. Also, it's fiction you dumb dumb. He isn't real. "

" But still, even tho it is the case, I can't suppress those feelings inside me... "

" Are you really saying you got a boner for a bunch of lines?! "

" What's a boner? "

" I- Listen Y/n, I know I tell you to pay attention every time I tell you a story but this time in particular I really want you to hear and remember my words. Give up on those feelings. In the long way, it will only hurt you and bring you no good. I know I sound way too serious about what seems like a trivial topic but... Please, believe this Brother of yours when he tells you it's not worth it. Not worth the pain you will inflict yourself in the end. There is nothing you can do for him. His fate is like that and yours is not linked to his. You will be able to find someone to love, and who loves you too! And this person will be in your life and both of you can take care of the other... "

" ...So I shouldn't bother with someone who isn't meant to be mine? "

" ...Sadly yes. I'm sorry Y/n. Fairytale worlds is a realm that we are never meant to reach and vice-versa. It's okay to hold a silly little crushes on fictional characters as long as you remember it's temporary. Don't go losing yourself and be enamored with someone you can't be with. "

" I get it. Alright, I won't fall in love with the Pied Piper. "

" I sure hope you won't! Dude be looking goofy ah with his long pointy shoes, smug face as if he knows better than you- "

" Yuki? "

" Never mind what I said. Do you want to hear a story to sleep? "

" Yes, please. I want a nice story about a princess and princes! "

" Why am I not surprised?- "

" Story, please. "

" Shut up I coming to it, hum hum. It's the story of a lonely princess who lost everything she cherished in the world due to a great chasm. The girl was terribly sad and scared of being left alone in the world. She had no house nor friends left. Only her name and title are left. As the girl went back to the chasm to see if a miracle appeared for her, she was left in awe as she found a boy standing on the cliff hovering over the chasm. Her joy was so great to find someone alive that tears of joy left her eyes.

The noises of her sniffles attracted the attention of the boy who was surprised at her sudden appearance before beaming in joy and jumping from the cliff to meet her. The Princess was caught up by surprise at the abilities of the man before her who landed in front of her as if he had glided on the wind. He kneel and took one of her hands to lay a kiss on its back. As he did so, he glanced at her and told her he was one of her retainers for life.

His role was to serve and protect her for the rest of his life, just like his brothers. The girl was relieved to see she wouldn't be alone but was confused to see that he was alone and wondered where his brothers were. At the inquiry, his face turns solemn as he recounts how he was separated from them and they were hiding on the four sides of the world. However, she could help him greatly if she agreed to help him search for them.

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