♤♡ Yoongi's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Non-consent (allusion), somnophilia (non-con), blood, gore.

" ...The prince cut through the thorns surrounding the castle to make his way inside after slaughtering the Dragon. The beast and abomination that was the origin of the curse upon this castle wounded him during the fight, but it wasn't enough to stop him now, so close to his goal. He had carved the heart of the thorns wizard out and ate it along as drank his blood to replenish his energy?

Alright this is weird a little but okay...

He finally with the help of his silver sword managed to enter the castle and was surprised by the sight before him. Everyone around seemed to be in a deep sleep, probably magical induced. He himself felt tired by witnessing everyone sleeping. However he didn't forget the task at hand. He came here for a reason after all. A few minutes of walking around later, he found the stairs leading to the top of castle's highest tower. He already frown at this but still bravely went to it... Moments later, it's a very tired prince who reached the top while breathing heavily. But his tiredness went away suddenly when his eyes fell on the princess in front of him. She was in a deep sleep and resting peacefully on her bed, her features looked soft and the light from the windows almost made her look like an angel with an halo. The prince heart was so touched by the sight of the princess that he couldn't help himself when his fingers grazed her face and he leaned closer before his lips encountered hers. The contact was so exhilarant to him that he couldn't suppress his feelings and wild instinct further, he went on the bed to straddle the princess and continuing to lay kiss all over her face before going lower while his hands-

Yeah I ain't reading that.

Anyway, once he was done. He took the sleeping princess with him and left the castle on his horse to go back to his own kingdom, thus leaving the rest of the country in a deep sleep. No worries for once he has found a way to wake the princess, he would come back to claim this kingdom as his own. He watched over the princess and protected her till the day she woke up. He was overjoyed and they got married, thus living happily as the curse was lifted...

Alright I know there is multiple versions but this isn't one of them. "

" This is weird, why is the prince like this? "

" I don't know, and I don't want to know. But that freak is creepy and overprotective. "


Although fear and anxiety is running through my whole being, I have to admit that all the event of this night are tiring. Plus, we already had a busy day so this is the cherry on the cake.

Well a nap wouldn't hurt right? I mean, I got a good hiding spot and I'm not making noise. Surely it wouldn't be a problem to rest a little. I will be careful and and be aware of any suspicious sounds.

And so after a little debat, I made myself comfortable and closed my eyes. Releasing a little sigh, I could feel myself relaxing and already feeling sleepy...

But of course it's never a good time.

The fauna around me suddenly got ripped appart by a silver blade as horror spread through my being. Standing in front of me, with a pale skin shining under the moonlight, was Yoongi.

Splash of a Crimson color were on his face, contrasting with his complexion. The ruby color was staining his clothes and running along his silver blade. His disheveled form wasn't mixing well with the lovesick and soft smile he was sending me.

" You're safe... I'm so happy~♡ "

Well I'm not happy. Why did he have to be the one finding me? He was the one I trusted the most among them, I told him about my Stalker and trusted him to help me. I guess Soobin was right, I do make shitty decisions.

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