♤♡ Ma Tendre Chérie ◇♧

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" Gotta do what you gotta do."

"  Which is? "

"  Swooping ma foot up yo ass Jackson "

" BRO WHAT?! WHY ??! "

" BRUH you told ma sis about the flowers and the bees! "

"  I don't see the problem, I mean the bees are dying and all- "

" NOT THOSE BEES! I was talking about sex ! "

" I swear I meant well! She asked me a question, and like any good sir I answered the best I can . "

" Yeah cause describing a whole pornhub premium video " white girl takes 3 dicks at once" in 720p is the best way to answer?!! "

" Okay now you are exaggerating- and I'm kinda curious about that video you mentioned now , might check it later-"

" JACKSON !!! "

" Geez chill bro , you are sheltering her too much and even knowing why , I can't help but feel it will come back against you in the future. "

" What nonsense are you spouting now you peasant ? "

" Listen now , I think it was in that one story of yours... Ashrella? Orphelina ? "

" The fuck you talking about- Ohhhh you mean Cinderella? "

" Yeah this one ! "

" ... You sure don't know your classics Jackson. "

" I don't, but let's not get out of tracks. As I was saying , the girl was trapped almost everyday in the house with her less than acceptable family so she was somehow very sheltered from the world. "

" I don't  see were you getting at ? "

" Shush and listen , So when it was the ball time, the girl was already a teenager sure but with all the sheltering her mind was all naive ,innocent and pure. So when the fairy Godfather appeared to help her to get to the ball he thought  he was doing a good action but actually what he did could have turned very wrong. From our point of view the scene quite played like this :

- AiGhT gIrL iMmA gEt YoU tO tHe BaLl DoN't WoRrY I gOt U . aNd WhAt'S tHe WoRsT tHaT cAn HaPpEn ? YoU iS gRoWn So It'S OK !

" When did you become so sarcastic? "

" Oh never , when I want to be sarcastic I just have to imitate you. "

" BISH- "

" So yeah , the ballroom is filled with noble sure but most of them are bad intentioned people so what if the girl bumped into one of them ? It could have gone real bad and the Godfather would feel remorseful and have his fair share of culpability. "

" ¿¿¿ "

" It's like the story of that dude like he felt so bad about the accident of his girlfriend  and because he felt responsible for it . He went completely nut and when she had recovered from the accident he was extra sweet and after some time he kidnapped her to make sure nothing ever happen to her . When the police checked his place, the kidnapping was already planned even before the girl was discharged from the hospital. "

" ... "

" See , people can go really bad crazy if they feel responsible for something- Yuki ? "

" Oh Funyarinpa I think we have another problem besides the 1st one ! "

"  Dude it's just a story. "

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