♤♡ Let's write our story ♢♧

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" Okay today you can choose the story- "

" I want 《 The Seven Princes 》!!! "

" Why am I even asking ? "

" Because you are a pabo ! "

" Young lady , continue to disrespect me and you're going to sleep without a story. "

" Sorry... "

" Sigh... Anyway where's that damn book... AH ! FOUND IT ! *Clear throat*

Chapter 01 : The king Yu was the ruler of the beautiful kingdom of Luxendark , he was loved by his people and had no foes . He also had sister, younger by a few years. Everything was fine until one cursed day . The great king died of an unknown disease , as the second heir to the throne. The princess has to took his place. But the members of the Conseil, fearing to lose the princess decided that she should get betrothed soon and get a heir for the throne.

At this decision, Seven individuals volunteer to the cause :

- From the land of Eternia , son of the marchal and soon to be leader of the duchy : The Prince Suga.

- From the land of Florem , the capital only filled with women , the only son of the matriarch : The Prince Jimin.

- From the land of Eisen , the city of Hartshild , which was completely ruined from the civil war, the savior who ended it : The Prince J-Hope

- From the Desert of Harena , the capital of Ancheim , city working by aero energy and its mechanism, the current ruler and a man of philosophy : The Prince Kim Namjoon.

- From the City of the Critalism orthodoxy, Chief of the Cristal guards charged to protect the king , The Lord of the city : The Prince Jeon Jungkook.

- From The New Republic of GrandShip , the moving nation, a nation formed by former pirates and sailors along as artisans , Captain of this city-boat and a curious man : The prince V

- From Caldisla , the Land of endings, handsome as the most beautiful flower and fine gourmet : The prince Kim Seokjin.

The seven prince hearing the news of the now deceased king were ready to propose to the princess with in mind the goal of becoming king. Rivalry will be here as the fresh memory of the war of the Duchy of Eternia against the orthodoxy are still in mind even two years later .

The princess knew that she would have to choose one of them, but if she have to choose then she want to choose with her heart and no one knows what's inside it .


We were back to school and now we all had to attend our last period which was art . If I have to say my opinion , I think it's the least stressing subject. It's so calme and relaxing. And we can choose whatever we want to draw or paint so it's fantastic !

I entered the class and found the boys already here , all smiling at me . I took my place and the teacher entered the classroom.

" Okay class today we will do paint, you know the rules ; you can paint anything you want , let your soul go into the brush and put life into your canvas ! Now I will be out for a cafe if you excuse me..."

And the teacher left the room after that, I shrugged my shoulder and get to works as I prepared my brush , I look around for inspiration and my eyes landed my storybook sticking out of my bag .

I look at the covers and see a illustration of a garden. My eyes sparkles as inspiration hit me like a truck. I put the book back in my bag and furiously pass my dripping brush on the canvas , filling hit with different colors as the same scenery I have seen numerous times in my dreams took form .

Once I felt satisfied , I put the brush down and look at it , the garden was filled with different kinds of plants as seven man , actually princes were standing here . For once , I felt proud of myself for having done something which worth it .

Looking at the boys, I saw that they had finished too and we started to look at each other works. I firstly went to Hoseok who was beside me . The scene represent a couple dancing together as music notes were floating around them.

Looking at Taehyung, his one was a girl in a summer dress with a boy beside her and the two had their feet in a pond in front of them. Glancing at Namjoon, his was again a pair of two sitted on a bench and the boy was reading the girl a book .

Jin was two people sitted on a table sharing a milkshake with two straw sticking out of the large glass . Yoongi had two people sitted in front of a large piano. Jungkook had a boy and a girl on a swing.

Has Jimin , the scene was underwater has it seems like the boy was trying to grab the girl who was sinking into the deepest part of the water. I didn't know but I felt like this paint hold some sort of symbols.

Pushing it aside, I go back to my canvas only to see all the boys looking at it , and give me compliment and looking proud of painting. I feel myself blush and they teased me about it .

Soon the bell rang and class was dismissed and it was the end of the day so club time. I remember that I can't hold the club today as I got a punishment with Seokjin and I don't trust the members to not cause an accident. I did one time and I regret it as they almost destroy half of the school.

As much as I love Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai . I can't leave them alone in the club.

Before getting out of the classroom , the boys asked if they could get my numbers , of course I gave it to them and we exchanged before I walked toward the club.

In the school garden were TxT waiting for me , once they saw me they smile and approach me. Soobin was the first to talk .

" Y/n ! How was your day ? "

" Great but I'm sorry guys , but no club for today "

Kai look at me with wide eyes.
" Eh ?!! Why ?!! "

" I can't be here because I have a punishment to do and because I can't trust you guys, no club for today. "

Taehyun butted in the discussion.
" But we have to prepare the different plan for the festival ! And command the seed we miss and you know that we have to do it today. "

Beomgyu looked at me with a pouting
" Come on Y/n , Let us stay and take care of this please ~ "

Yeonjun put his hand on my shoulder
" If it can reassure you , me and Soobin will make sure to what the Maknaes are doing. We won't let another accident happen . "

They all look at me with pleading eyes .

" Urgh , fine.. "

I gave Soobin the keys of our assigned room and walked away searching Jin so we can do our punishment, sure I never had trouble before so I should be angry or sad but instead I feelt happy because I wasn't going to be alone , Jin will be with me .

And I can trust him right ?

♤~♡~♢~♧ ♧~♢~♡~♤

TxT ; Soobin, Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Taehyun and Kai :

Five happy-go-lucky boys with a one morality : 《Having fun isn't hard when you have a library card ! 》strange moral but those cuties are Y/n's friends and they would gladly serve has human shield to protect her from dark intentioned individues.

Stay tuned for more ~☆

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