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" It's the story of a young beautiful and kind princess, Seven princes coming from all over the world decided to try to propose to her for the sake of the country as her big brother the king died-"

" Why is the brother dead ?"

" You uncultured swine I was talking! "

" Why is the brother dead ?"

" You little- He is dead because he was too handsome, smart and sweg for this world, just like me , now stop interrupting me"


" You were right Oppa... You were too cool for this world "

I tidied the grave before putting some lilies on it and exiting the cemetery. Yuki-Oppa was founded dead in a alleyway, he was stabbed in the heart. But mysteriously the robber took nothing except his notebook.

It wasn't something expensive but it has a lot of sentimental value to my brother. As it's here that he keep all his stories and other "secret" stuff . In all honesty, even with all the kindness of the world I don't think I will be able to forgive the killer of the person that I cherished the most .

Sighing, I just make my way back home . My life isn't the most interesting you know. I'm a high school student, good grades, Nice house and neiborhood , I got multiple part-time jobs . But...

When you're the last of the whole family, no parents, no friends, no one to comfort you when you comfort everyone... I feel lonely and with the bullying it doesn't make it better... I don't really know what I have done to those people...

I finally reach my home , and immediately goes to my room, the L/n household has been storyteller for a very long time, our ancestors coming and traveling from all around the world. I do especially enjoy Fairytales.

All the princess trying to realize their dreams with their loved ones on their sides . If there is one story that I love more than anything it's a story that Yuki got from grandma who herself got from her grandma...

As you can see it's a VERY old story . I grab the book on my night stand and carefully opened it as it is a old book written by hand and that is it unique.

The story is "The Seven Princes " a simple title but a interesting story, hear me out .
So as the heir of the throne , the great king is dead . It's his sister who must take the throne but the young princess can't be a queen without a king to her side to make sure that there is a heir .

Basically 7 princes from all over the kingdom , having hear of her beauty and charms (and a little thirsty for the power ) decided to ask for her hand . At first the guys were only interested in taking control of the country but with time they all start to fall for the princess...

How the tales end ? Actually Yuki never heard the ending of it , grandma neither. So I just imagine how this story could have ends . Did she chooses one of them ? All of them ? Wait what if one of them kidnapped her ?

I slowly drifted to sleep while thinking about it . My dream was quite scary as I was all alone in a big garden .


" Hello? "

" I finally found you Princess "

I turned around only to meet a tall brown haired male with broad shoulder just like the prince-

" Prince Jin ? "

" I thought we agreed to not use formality when it was just the two of us , have you already forget Y/n ? "

He took my hand and place a chaste kiss on it . He is really like the Prince Jin ! Well logiquely he is . And by how he act I assume that I'm the princess and that by now we're in the middle of the storyline .

" The others are searching for you inside , we agreed that if one of us found you he will tell the others but now... I don't want to let you go to them "

He pulled me against him and hug me . At the distance I could hear different voices talking and getting louder. Suddenly a very deep voice yelled :


Then a sleepy yet annoyed voice

" Would you keep it down ?!? The whole kingdom don't need to know that we're searching the princess . Geez , I think I'm deaf from the right ear... "

Jin release me and put some distance between us . I struggle to keep a big smile to spread on my face . I mean , one of my imaginary crush just hug me . I'm fangirling.

" Look like they found us "

He ruffled his hair and we laugh , but before the other persons could make their way to me , I fainted , the only thing I remembered before that is Jin

" Y/n ! "


I woke up in a cold sweat and panting , I looked around and found the book laying opened beside me . As I grab it to put it back to his place, I saw a little piece of paper sticking out of the velvet cover . I managed to get it out and read it .

" This story is much more than a fairytale, this is the cause of the beginning and will be the end of the L/n household "

Huh ? How this tale could affect the end of our family? Well it was maybe with this story that the family was created but I clearly don't see how it would cause my destruction.

I put the note back into the book and look at the time. I need to prepare for school. So I just do everything I need to do before going for another day in this boring reality.

As I entered the building, I heard people talking among them about "Hot guys" , I shrugged this aside as they were probably talking about some actors or guys from other school.

I made my way to my locker to retrieve my things for class. It was going to be a long day , I feel it . My life wasn't really that bad . Even if it's hard, everything will turn good one day. I just have to wait.

As I turned around, a hand was smashed just beside my head making a loud noise against the metal. In front of me was standing my biggest bully with her minions.

Rika .

" Heyyyy Y/n . What's up you ugly orphan? Oh wait you look quite tired . Did you stay up all night to read child books again? "

Then she laugh and her slaves did the same. She suddenly stop and pull me by the collar before throwing me on the floor making me drop all my books. The laughs restarted and were intensified when suddenly a powerful voice was heard.


We all turned our head at the owner of the voice . At the end of the corridor were seven man standing in line, the light of the exterior shining behind them making them look like they come out of a Drama . I could only let a word slip out of my mouth as they truly look like...

" Princes... "

♤~♡~♢~♧                                       ♧~♢~♡~♤

Profil :

Y/n :

17 years old and the last heir of the L/n household. Even if not everyone like her she does have friends. President of the gardening club , they are 6 people in this club counting herself in . The bullying start 1 year ago after the death of her brother, Yuki . She doesn't have many memories of her parents as they disappeared one day and never came back . Likes books and plants . She's one of the most kind person of the school and her beauty is approved by all the boys of the school.

Hope you guys did enjoy the first part of the story, won't be updated for a while as I just write this because I was having no inspiration and motivation for the others book ( Don't judge my non-existent logic)

Stay tuned for more ~☆

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