♤♡ Secret of the night ♢♧

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The night before the festival, after the boys departure to their respective home :

The night before the festival, after the boys departure to their respective home :

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The male was walking in the night, on his way to his "friend" house when he was pulled into a dark alleyway

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The male was walking in the night, on his way to his "friend" house when he was pulled into a dark alleyway. He was surprised and found himself colliding against the wall . Hands made their way around his throat and they tighten their grip each passing seconds.

Looking at his assailant, he notice cold and infuriated eyes . Of course only him would attack him in the middle of the night when he did nothing wrong . All he wanted was to spend time with her . Why were they so reluctant to let him alone with the most beautiful human he had seen?

Well his reputation was to blame partially but it was in the past , now he was head over heels for her . He wouldn't look at another woman or touch himself if it means that he can be with her .

She was so pure , innocent, delicate... Her personality was the reason why the other freak that was currently trying to kill him was in love with her . Someone who accepted and looked past his rude and intimidating look.

If he could , he would laugh at the elder misplaced  jealousy and tried to kick some nerve to had more sparks to the argument. But before he could do that , he was thrown on the pavement. The angered male went on top of him and start to send punch to his face .

" You fucking piece of shit ! I knew we shouldn't had trust you ! I should had killed you back there , then I wouldn't have to worry about you putting your disgusting hands on her ! "

He tried to fought back his ennemis but he could only block some of his hits and reduce the damage.

" Tell me , you're the one who follow her HUH ?!! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO'S MAKING HER SCARED?!! ANSWER !!! "

The boy who was already beaten to the pulp only managed to say no with a grunt of pain. Slowly the elder stop his assault and stand up, he simply throw him a glare before stepping out of the alley.

" We're not done you fucking wolf . "

Meanwhile the male was still laying on his back .

" You too , you look like a twink with a deadly disease. Dragon freak... "


Midnight :

Someone was still awake and was reading peacefully under the light glow of the moon by his window when he saw the front door of the house in front of his opening. Revealing a young man pulling the hood of his jacket on his head and walking away. The man let out a sad sigh at the sight.

" He is at it again, poor boy can't sleep before the clock strike twelve times midnight. It's almost like a curse. The only way he have to cope with it is to take a walk at this hour with the hope of founding her roaming the streets too... Sounds delusional but maybe he will finally be able to rest if he saw her or he will just make him crazier... If he scarred her , I wouldn't mind having less competition. "

And with that he went back to reading his book as the clock strike for the twelfth time.

♤~♡~♢~♧                                              ♧~♢~♡~♤

This chapter is short because it was to add some additional scenes.

I just feel like we still can't grasp the yandere feel and this book have already 13 part . 14 with this chapter.

Either way,

Stay tuned for more! ~☆

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now