♤♡ Lost in thought all alone ◇♧

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" Okay let's review our last life lesson, what do we do when we are in the wood?"

" We do not get off the track !"

" That's right and ?"

" We don't go at night !"

" Indeed and ?"

" Never go alone !"

" Yes because that's some white person move in horror movie and we don't do that and ?"

" Hmm... Have a light!"

" Well I guess it's important if there's not enough light... THAT'S NOT WHAT I'M ASKING!"

" Eh ? But big brother I don't remember any other rules. "

" Urgh... The most important rule is to always have a way to contact someone because even if you follow the former rules you still have a chance to get lost, also you are never sure about what lurks in the woods.

And believe me, you would rather have your friend find you before them."


I have been walking for a least fifteen minutes now in a straight line, there's no sign of a road near. And the light wasn't strong enough to pass between the leaves of the tall trees.

Remembering what my brother told me during one of our life lessons, I couldn't help but wince when remembering all the rules.

- Do not get of the track, it was a little late for that.

- Do not go at night, we are having a full moon tonight.

- Do not go alone, technically I don't know if there's other people here.

- Do not have no contact, well I- WAIT ! I HAVE MY PHONE !

Feeling stupid for not thinking about it earlier I took out my phone and fortunately I had network even if it was very weak and called the first person on my mind.

" Soobin I really really need your help !"

" What ? What's happening Y/n ? Where are you ?!"

" I- I am lost in the forest! Rika is dead and I'm scared! Please help me I don't know what to do!"

" WAIT WHAT ?!!"

I melt into a puddle of tears and was sobbing against my phone , on the other side Soobin was probably freaking out and worry was laced with his voice.

" Okay, Y/n listen carefully. I need you to stay where you are and not move from that spot, unless it doesn't seem safe then try to move to the nearest clearing or open area. Can you do that ?"

" Y-yes , I can do this... "

" Don't worry, I will come soon to retrieve you so please don't panic and wait for me. "

" Please hurry Soobin! I don't know how much time I can stay alone in this place!"

" I'm already on my way but there's no signal in the forest so stay safe until I find you. "

And then our call was interrupted. Sighing to myself I put my phone back on my jacket pocket and looked around me .

" This place doesn't look very nice and the trees are kinda scary. Well I will move like he suggested, it will make it easier. "

And so I walked forward while looking around for a clearing in this dense forest. Who would have thought it would end up like this ? Definitely not me. It feels like everything happening recently was commended by an exterior force, something powerful controlling the flow of the events but not really similar to the fates. No it was something powerful but only focusing on the lives around me. Did Rika's end decided by this strange entity?

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