♤♡ Beomgyu's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : wholesome because it's Beomgyu. But with some angst for the backstory (murder and mention of suicide) That good Romeo and Juliet shit.

" ...And so the wizard and the girl were living together. The girl was curious about why she couldn't go out. And each time the wizard told her how the outside world was dangerous for her and would hurt her in a matter of time. He told her how there was bad people out, people who aren't kind and won't help her such as her brother. He told her he was the only one she can trust and as long as they have each others they could live happily forever.

One day, the young virgin maiden was singing by the window while the wizard was out. A prince of a neighboring kingdom who was hunting in the forest heard her voice and followed the song till he reached the tower. He looked around for a door or anyway to enter the tower but found none, so he had no choice but to return back home.

The following day, he came back just in time to see the wizard coming back to the tower and calling out from bellow the window;

- Princess, my dear princess.
Bring down your tresses.

And so the girl let down her hair for the wizard to climb. The prince took note of this and came back the following day. He waited till the sky became dark before coming in front of the tower to say the words.

- Princess, my dear princess.
Bring down your tresses.

And so the girl let down her hair, the prince immediately start to climb it. As he reached the top and went inside, the girl was terrified of the sight of this unknown man, a man completely different from her father. But he talked to her gently and told her how much his heart was touched by her singing that he couldn't rest until he saw her.

The girl lost her fright, and the prince asked her name. Now curious about this stranger, the girl was easily answering his questions. The prince was eager from everything he learned but as he noticed the sun setting he made moves to leave, but not without making the girl swear to secrecy his appearance in the tower.

The following days, as soon as the wizard was out, the prince would come up and chat with the girl. This routine went on for a few weeks and the girl was happy to have a friend while the prince was instead having feelings for her. The wizard was getting suspicious of her behavior changing overtime when he would come back at night however he still trusted her to tell him if anything or anyone tried to enter the tower.

- My princess, come here.

- What is it Daddy? I promise I wasn't naughty today!

- Don't worry, I just wanted to tell you a story before bedtime.

- Ohhh I'm not a little girl anymore! You don't have to keep doing this you know ?

- I know I know, you're all grown up and that's exactly why I was waiting before telling you this story. Long ago there was harmony between the people and the wizards and witches. But one day hell broke loose and a big witch hunt happened. Villagers and soldiers rampaged through coven's territory and caught everyone. They brought then to the stakes were they were all burned alive. Well not everyone, a little had escaped and hided but he saw his whole family burning. He was now all alone... He was full of sadness and despair till he leanred the royal family was behind it then he became full of rage and revenge full. He swore he would destroy the destroy the royal family and put the coven back with a new generation of witches and wizards. So here we are centuries later...

- Father...

The man simply patted her head before leaving the room with a small smile. Meanwhile the girl was now disturbed and Perplexed. The next day, as the prince came into the tower, the girl questioned him about the witch hunt which he confirmed and was still ongoing. She was shocked but nothing beat what he said next. He asked her to marry him and run away from here together.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now