♤♡You're Mine and MINE ONLY◇♧

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" Ah shit here we go again"

" What's wrong ? "

" Everything is wrong ! Because today I have to give you the talk ! "

" I don't truly see the problem as Jackson already explained it to me... "

" Correction, Jackson told you about the porn industry. Have your facts right please. "

" Well then, how are you going to explain then ?"

" The best way I can, which means... "

" Fairytales ? "

" No... today I will use... The Notebook... "

" How would that even works ?! "

" Stop asking questions, I'm doing this to protect you. *grab Notebook* Let's get started:

- Red ridding hood; Don't talk to and trust strangers for they will rape you at your weakest moment.

- The princess and the frog; Do not repay a service with sexual favor, be wise in choosing your bed partner.

- Cinderella or the glass shoe ; How the fuck do you go from just vibing at the ball to marrying the prince ?! It doesn't make sense! This shit fucking pisses me off ! "

" ...Yuki ? "

" M-my apologies, it seems it angered me quite a bit, no worries. This isn't biggie... "

" If you say so, well what next?"

" Yeah so as I was saying, don't let someone close to you because they thought you are pretty. Those fake ass hoes don't deserve your attention. "

" Is it me or do I smell some EXPERIENCE or just raw rage ?"

" Oh you do sister, you do. Allow me to continue:

- Sleeping Beauty; Be aware of your surroundings or you gonna wake up with a baby. Non-con somnophilia bad.

- Beauty and the Beast; ... I guess don't judge a book by it's cover? Yeah that's it ,don't trust someone just by the first impression.

- The Little Mermaid; By wanting more than you already have, you might loss what you already have. Don't be a greedy little bitch, know your damn place.

- The Ice Queen; this one is a little hard but don't let your desires take control of you or you will find yourself spiraling down in an endless pit of hatred and jealousy for what you can't have. "

" All of this... Is it really going to be useful to me? "

" Believe me it will, if you do everything as I said, you will reach your happy ending. "

" My happy ending... I want it ! I want to have a good life with you and my friends at my sides ! "

" Tch, as if but it could be possible to a certain degree i guess... but remember Y/n,

You can't even trust the good characters


I stand still as Yeonjun or should I say the Pied Piper smiles at me. The man in front of me who I thought to be a regular human all this time is actually a fairy tale character. He only chuckles at my astonished state.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now