♤♡ Fading Illusion ♢♧

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" You need to tell her . "

" I can't Jackson! What I'm supposed to say ? Hey Y/n ! I messed up years ago and now there are psychotic tales characters going after your ass ! "

" You know it's not what I mean. "

" Oh yeah allow me to be more subtle : Hey Y/n want to hear a story?  Once upon a fucking time a boy really fucked up when he tought it would be fun to read the content of a sealed book he found in his grandma attic , sadly this book was holding magical powers that were far beyond human comprehension. So now some individuals are roaming the planet to search for their 《princess》 but they can't found her has she never touched the book so they can't detect her energy. . How sad ! But no , has they know that the stupid boy was one of her relative they are now just waiting for the perfect occasion to get a glimpse of her ! And then they won't need the fool anymore! Freaking Fin ! "

" Yuki you need to get other people to help."

" How am I supposed to do that ? Jackson you're the only one who I told my situation and believe me and this is only because we saw one of those creep watching us when we were coming back from practice! It was one of them Jackson! "

" Then you need to move ! "

" They will still found me ! I...I... "

" Yuki ? "

" I think you should go Jackson. "

"  What ?! Why ?!! "

" If you stay longer with me , they will go after you too and I can't risk that . "

" Yeah and after that they will go for you and then Y/n will be at their mercy, Game over ! "

" No... She won't be alone because I had people to watch over her . "

" What ? But I thought- "

" Pff , If was able to unwillingly let some tales' characters escape what told you that over the years I didn't learnt how to summon some ? "

" You are a Genius! But that still doesn't save your ass . "

" ...Sadly, we can try our hardest but some things are unavoidable for a better future ."

" I'm sure there must be another solution- "

" No , it's either me or the two of you with innocents people. I'm not risking this . "

" Okay but- ...dude "

" What now ? "

" Your sister is here . "

" And I oop- "


Pitch black, never ending land of darkness, distorted reality , suffocating lie. I just couldn't handle this anymore but it was overpowering me , I couldn't control it . With them I felt like a moth attracted to fire . It's dangerous but I still want it .How was I supposed to cut ties with them ?

Waking up, I was laying in one of the bed in the infirmary. I push my body in a sitting position, didn't I passed out in Jungkook arms ? Looking beside me , I saw Rika sitted on a chair looking at me.

" Finally the orphan woke up from her slumber. "

" Rika? What are you doing here? "

" Me ? Actually I'm the one who brought you here , unless you would have prefer one of your prince to do that ? "

" No no ! But why ? Usually you don't care about anyone... "

" Y/n we know each other since preschool and we choose different path . It's not because I let my anger on you from time to time that it means I'm willing to leave you to an imminent death. "

" An imminent death ? "

" Well maybe not death but that's not the point. I know that everyone saw me as the villain. All villains have their reasons of why they are who they are and mine is just that I hate the world and the only way I have to cope with my anger issue is through violence . But those guys... I know that I'm the last person you want to believe but they're not normal. "

" Rika... "

" Y/n they beat those boys to death ! My cousin is one of them! And now they are to the hospital, you need to stop talking to them . "

" E-even if you say that it's not that easy... "

" Seriously Y/n ! You are barely spending time with your friends anymore! Now it's only them ! Them ! And again them ! "

" Why are you doing all of this? "

" Listen, if I'm doing this is because I owe you from back to middle school when you were the only one for me when I broke with my boyfriend, well more like left me . You were by my side to cheer me up and made me open my eyes about the situation so now it's my turn.

Open your eyes Y/n . "

" ...Thank you. "

" Now go , I think Namjoon is going to show up soon and try to feed you lies so you can go to them . "

I took her into an hug and she flinched before relaxing and hugging back awkwardly.

" Now go away before I toss you around. "

I nodded before running off.

" Ahh... What I don't do to keep that promise with her late brother... "


Pulling my hoodie closer to me , I hesitate before knocking. Did I really forgot about my friends? Did I really spend so much time with the boys? Were they really trying to isolate me ? I ruffled my hair in frustration before knocking on the wood. Two seconds later, Soobin opened it .

" Y/n ? "

" Hey Soobin... Can I come in ? "

" Of course. "

He went on the side to let me enter , in the living room the rest of my friends were here . Taehyun was looking into a mirror bragging to himself. Kai was looking at something before his stare stop on the clock and start to panic . Beomgyu was brushing his hair and Yeonjun was looking at his flute and cleaning it

" Aren't I the fairest of them all ? Of course I am ! "

" I'm late! Why do I have to always be late?! I'm going to miss my drama ! "

" Ouch ! Can someone help me ? I got a knot in my hair and I can't get rid of it . "

" Just give me two seconds to finish this and I will help you... "

Soobin just sighed at the scene unfolding in front of him before turning to me with a nervous smile.

" I made an pumpkin pie earlier, do you want a piece ? "

Yeah , I did miss my weird friends hehe. Meanwhile seven individuals were infuriated to see all there effort gone and they weren't in the mood to play anymore.

I was going to witness the dark side of fairytales

♤~♡~♢~♧                                            ♧~♢~♡~♤

*Frustratingly sipping orange juice*

Okay I gave you a whole batch of new information in this chapter so I want to see theories in the comments please .

My nervous self was anxious during the writing of all the chapter 'cause I want them to love and be happy but this is a Yandere book.

When you want fluff with Bae but he is a psychopath

Anyway I hope you enjoyed this chapter but personally this isn't my favorite.

Stay tuned for more! ~☆

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now