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What an abrupt end our story has reached.
Well, it wasn't the end, wasn't it?

I shouldn't mock her, but the miss Y/n of this story is fated to relieve this story over and over.

Not being able to escape fate...
Sounds kinda humorous isn't it?

Our heroes did everything to save themselves and their loved ones from a curse only for it to fail.

Is it really a curse if it's destined to repeat itself indefinitely?
Isn't it just part of their fate?

In this case, it should be easier just to accept, no?
Perhaps it would change something.

The heroine was able to seal the villain away with her soul but was condemned to never be with her beloved...

We should had a twist don't you think?!

Oh... I'm getting too worked up over this. It's fiction anyway.
In any case If you are ever interested in the stories of this world, I heard of a soul who compiled them in their library.

Apparently, the stories of characters like the Evil King and the King of Hearts are there. If you ever are interested that's it.
Personally I would like to know more about the cherubs, they sounds like lovely children!

Ah!- I have to go for now, my miss Y/n is calling for me.
Let's read another story next time you show up!

Rest for now, M¤}#€*


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