♤♡ A regretful mistake ◇♧

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" Now now, if I did everything right then the story characters should show up in a graceful ,elegant and bewitching way-"

*SCRATCH BOOM HONK EXPLOSION WAR MISSIL. SFX* *insert incoherent noise and lot of smoke*

" *cough cough* Okay now wtf- "

" Thou who summoned us , behold and prepare for thy consequences of your act as thou art- "

" I don't speak despacito. "

" This is English motherfucker-"

" My bad, well now that I can see clearly there must be five of you ? Please decline your identity. "

" My name is Huening Kai, I am the ruler of the country of roses , despite some girl trying to show me wrong I am the king of Heart !"

" I am Kang Taehyun , ruler of the land of pyroxene, Albeit my title of fairest ruler I came to be known after my defeat as the Evil king."

" Choi Beomgyu hehe, a humble wizard who got a best friend in exchange of salad , too bad she was taken away from me (along as her hair)."

" Choi Yeonjun, travelling musician who after getting scammed by a greedy mayor kidnapped all the kids of the city, I'm know as the Pied Piper ."

" And I am Choi Soobin, the fairy Godfather who helped Cinderella to the ball, not that it was my brightest idea... "

" Yeah sounds like I got the good fuckers, now listen as I will explain the reason of your presence here . All of you fucked up at some point in each of your stories and are aware of it, that's the first step toward your redemption. Now what I propose to you today is a way to work even more on your rehabilitation. Of course this isn't a obligation and you have the right to refuse if you don't want it. Now this is what you have to do ;

Watch over my little sister. "

" That's all ?"

" Yes but allow me to elaborate, I don't want you to simply watch her , I want you to protect her which is something you completely haven't done in your stories. I want her safe from characters whom escaped from their stories and are hunting her down. "

" Okay but why would they search for her ? Does she look like the villain of their stories or something?"

" Quite the opposite little Kai, she's the equivalent of the princess . That's where you guys comes up ."

" WAIT WAIT WAIT ! You are asking us? The bad guys? To protect the princess from good characters? Nah fam it won't work, we will get our ass handed to us as soon as we meet. "

" Man Yeonjun have faith would ya? I'm guaranteed it will work because even if you should logically lose , as you guys aren't from the same stories as them they won't know how to beat you first hand. That should buy you some time and Soobin who is a good character is here for this reason, improving your chance of success and he is from the same story as one of them even if they never met. "

" So... My sole purpose is to improve the success rate?"

" Well yes and no. Even if it's true, I could have choose anyone else but I choose you because I know for a fact that you feel guilty, feel you did something wrong and want to fix that. That's why you are here today and also to keep these villains in line."

" Okay but we have to start right now or something 'cause that sound quite serious and all. "

" Well Taehyun we don't have to worry too much for now, she's still a child so I doubt they will go for her now unless they are into that kind of stuff and that would make them huge lolicons. "

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now