♤♡♢♧Bed Story Time♧♢♡♤

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"... As the princess fall in a deep sleep, everyone in the castle too . It's only later that the prince will found the completely devastated place . But before he could enter, a giant dragon appeared out of nowhere, and attacked him. The prince drew his sword and fought the beast. After a fierce combat, he was finally able to defeat his opponent. The Dragon let out a roar of pain mixed with despair. The young man start to explore the place, as he reached the top of the highest tower , he meets a breathtaking sight. In the room, lay a princess asleep in a large and comfy bed . So he approached the bed and...

Sleeps . "

" He sleeps ?  "

" Yeah , I mean wouldn't you be tired after fighting a huge dragon and climbing 284438264 stairs ?  "

" This make sense..."

" Exactly, So he slept and he woke up a few hours later. Now he put all his attention to the young female sleeping. She was absolutely stunning, the prince couldn't help himself but wanting to kiss her . And he did, as their lips collided with each others, the princess rose up from her eternal sleep . She thank him and they fall in love immediately, the curse broken, everyone in the castle woke up and the king bless her sister and the prince. And so they married each other a few hours later. End. "

" This is so romantic ! "

" I know right ? But normally, the prince didn't woke her with a kiss."

" What did he do ? "

" ... I will told you later, for now sleep well my dear little sister. "


I blinked my eyes a few times as they adapt to the bright light. As my vision was back, I saw a familiar face above me .

" Oh... You're awake. "

Yoongi was standing there with a patch on the side of his face, small bruises here and there and a bandaged hand . I slowly raise my body from the mattress and hold my aching head. This dream was so... realist.
Pushing it aside, I worried about the boy.

" What happened to you? "

" I just got into a fight, it's nothing. "

He just shrugged his shoulder and was talking about it nonchalantly. Looking around,  I realized that we were the only ones in the infirmary.

" If you got into a fight, where is the other student ? And the nurse  ? "

" The guy needed to get send to the hospital so the nurse went with the ambulance. "

My eyes widen at his words, the student was in a such poorly state ? I have clearly underestimate Yoongi, he is more powerful than he look. The ravenette ask me what happened to me as he only get here a few minutes ago . I told him about the feeling of being watched and the panic attack.

" So a creep was watching you the whole time ? And the others didn't notice ? Ugh, they're useless... "

" Don't say that, I might have been paranoid about the situation, no one was watching me when I look around. "

" Still , If this guy is bothering you I will found him and take care of the situation. "

" Hehe then try to not end in the infirmary or sending him to the hospital if you do so."

" It was just today ! "

We laugh and talked a little more before being interrupted by the bell. Which now is announcing Lunch time . We left together and walk toward the cafeteria. Once we were here , the place was already crowded. I started to loses hope to found a sit when we say someone waving their hands at us . Turns out it was Taehyung. The boys were already at a table and were waiting for us . I sat between Jimin and Jungkook while Yoongi just sat at the end of the table beside Hoseok. Seokjin look worried.

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