♤♡♢♧My Little Princess♧♢♡♤

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" The three littles pigs, it's the story of three brothers who decided to go live on their one. So they left home and traveled to the edge of the woods not far away from the river too . They started to build their house, a big house so they can live together-

" But my teacher said that they built a house for each of them . "

"And it's my story so I do what I want."

" But Yuki- "

" And I said that they built a big house so now let me continue my story. As I was saying they built their house  but they didn't know that a wolf girl was watching them from afar. One day the youngest of the boy was on walk on the forest and he bump into the wolf girl . At first he was scared that she might kill him but turn out that the girl was just very hungry and out of energy so the boy share a part of his bread with her . She thanks him and they talk for a moment. The pig boy visited her everyday and a few days later he got back into the forest but this time is two brothers followed him secretly as they were curious about why their brother was always so happy to go to the forest and bringing bread with him . At first they thought that he had found a girl and that he was courting her so he can... show his love for her later . "

"What do you mean by showing his love ?"

" Be quiet you little hooman, you're too young to understand this anyway *clear throat*.
And then they saw the wolf girl. At first they thought that she was going to kill their brother but turn out the two start to laugh together and munching on bread. They go to the pair and look at them in disbelief as the youngest was able to become friend with the cute girl . After some time they were all friends and ask the wolf girl to live with them so she won't stay alone in the forest. And she agreed so they live happily together , the end . "

" I don't understand the moral. "

" Simple , if a group of random and suspicious guys ask you to go to their house you say no , understood  ? I don't want my baby sister to get hurt ."


Wondering what happened I entered the classroom only to found Jimin , Namjoon and Hoseok already sitting around a table. J-Hope pat the place between him and Jimin. I thank him and the teacher start to explain the work we had to do .

Turns out it's a group project that we have to finish home and we agreed to go to Jimin place to finish the work . For this project we have to build a sculpture by using geometric figure and today in class we must make the plan of it . I look at my friends to see if they have an idea . Jimin speak up.

JM : What about something with a lot of curve? 

RM : He said geometric figure Jimin.

JH : Well as ball is a geometric figure.

Y/n : A ball yes but not curve .

JM : Let's make a sculpture with blocks then  !

RM : This could works...

JM : See ?! Let's start to sketch it !

JH : Actually I don't trust you with the sketching and I can't sketch to save my life.

RM : Do you want me to do it ?

JM : Hyung you would destroy the pen , the paper and the table. Y/n do you want to do it ?

Y/n : Fine with me , just tell me what you would like me to do .

JM : Said like this-

RM : First off the base should be flat so a rectangular shape should be fine .

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