♤♡ Sleep tight ♢♧

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" Okay today I'm lazy so I will- The hell you're not in ya pajamas yet ? "

" Hum? Hi Yuki, it's just that I have to finish my homework before going to bed. "

" What is it? "

" An essay about the true meaning of fairytales "

" Who gave a essay about that to a 6th grader ? "

" I don't know... "

" Sigh... Want some help ? "

" Yes please."

" Come here *pat the place beside him on the bed* hmm... to start off , there is two categories : Tales for entertainment without deep meaning and philosophical Tales . I think your teacher want you to write about this category. "

" How am I supposed to explain this ? "

" Well , try to mention a exemple like 《Candide》of Voltaire. "

" Wasn't he a French philosoph ? "

" Yeah but this isn't the point. Basically Candide is the story of a young boy who is pure , innocent , oblivious and naive. Just like you . "

" Me ? "

" Yeah, now go sleep. You have ugly dark bags under your eyes and I don't want my little sister  turning into a panda. "

" But I have to finish my essay! "

" I will finish it for you . You already wrote 3 pages, so I will finish it while you rest okay ?  Sigh... And saying that I was planning to read you Winnie the pooh tonight and then hang with friends out... Sounds like it will be for another time... "

" *Sparkling eyes* Winnie the pooh?!! "

" *Chuckle* Yeah, hum... If you change and lay in bed right now I will read it to you . "

" Yeah !!! "

" ...You adorable brat. "


Skipping in the long corridor , I was quite nervous. I mean I never was in trouble before and last time i did , it was in middle school. A girl insult me for being an orphan and for liking "Child's book" , so I push her and she punch me in the jaw knocking out one of my tooth. Well since the accident it came back and I remember my brother taking extra care of me and him having a long talk with the parents of the girl . Strangely the girl never came back to school and Yuki didn't know what happened to her either.

...My brother , he was so sweet with me even giving me pet name like : Uncultured swine, illiterate prick, dumb brat ...  Now I know that it's not nice name but when he was say it , it was with affection and playful .

Pushing my feelings and memories in the back of my mind. I found Jin laying against a locker , arms crossed, waiting for me. I wave at him and soon found myself beside him .

" Sorry for the wait ! I get caught by my club members . "

" It's fine , And the teacher already come and told me that we had to clean the classroom , you know dust , broom , mop... "

" Oh sure , should we get started? "

He nodded and we walked toward the classroom , we already had the cleaning supplies with us and just had to finish this before going home. At first I thought it would be easy but when we entered the room, it was filled with paper ball on the floor, chewing gum under some table, ink drop on table... And a bunch of other nasty things.

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