♤♡ Taehyung's Ending ◇♧

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Warnings : Drowning, blood, flesh eating, objectification, monster fuckers get off my lawn-

" Alright, alright. I think it's time we finish the story of the little mermaid right? We never got to finish it. "

" That's right! You're always doing something else! "

" Hey I'm doing my best! Anyway, back to the story...
Cradling the potion against his chest, the merman reached the surface. He took a deep breath as the fresh breeze of the night greeted him. On the shore, the girl was waiting for him. He could feel his heart thumping even harder now. He swam up to her and smiled at her. The girl reciprocated this and jumped in the water to hug him. He was surprised but accepted wholeheartedly. However his joy was short lived when he remembered the bottle in his hand. Leaving out the part where he made a deal, he explained what this potion would do.
The girl expression sunked as she explained that she was herself the princess of her kingdom and that she couldn't just leave. The princess asked him to let her three days to take a decision. He wanted to argue but knew he was already asking too much. He went back to the beach at night during the three days but the girl wasn't here. The last day, he went to the beach and saw her. He was overjoyed and literally leaped out of the water to jump on her. She giggled as she fell on her back in the sand, the merman simply hugged her before pushing himself back into the water. Both were now staring in silence at each other, afraid of breaking the silence. The girl brought herself to do it as a grim expression appeared on her face while she pulled the potion from her pocket. She said that she thought deeply about it, however she is the princess, has a lot of responsibilities, her whole life is here and she has a fiance.
Hearing this the merman was about to take drastic measures but she told him that she loved him and could never live on without him. And so, she grabbed the potion and gulped it down in one go.
The merman was overjoyed as he pulled her in a kiss and vowed to make her happy forever... "

" I like this ending, it's better than him turning into foam. "

" Him turning into foam is the funniest part of the story. Imagine selling your soul for some human pussy, can't relate lol. "

" Yuki you're so mean. "

" Sorry Kiddo, but one day you will understand that it's for your own good. "


Sometimes by wanting too much, we end up loosing everything. But life is a constant gamble. Each choice we made can bring or take something. Some are meaningless some are life-changing. But it doesn't change that each choice, important one are dilemma.

Choisir c'est renoncer

By taking one option, you're giving up the other. This is an interesting quote. Options don't always have to be equal, they can be disproportionate too. For example like in the little mermaid, your soul in exchange of legs.

I guess that just how love can push you to do crazy stuff. But is it truly worth it? Would I be willing to do so much for the one I love? The one I love... I do guess that love makes you blind. Or perhaps he was a good actor.

It would be hypocrite of me by criticizing Taehyung who is willing to go to such long lengths for his obsession when I probably would be ready to do almost as much for the one I had feelings for. Turns out he was the one ready to do as much for me, quite ironic.

I don't even know anymore. Did I fell in love with a true person or just an illusion? Was the Soobin I knew the real one or just a persona? Although my heart hurt after everything tonight, can I really tuned out my feelings so quickly? Surely there's a part of truth in this. After all, the best lies always mix a part of truth, so surely the Soobin I loved wasn't completely fake.

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