♤♡ Manipulation trap ♢♧

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" ...For an unknown reason I feel the sudden urge to re-read you the story of the frog prince. "

" Yes please do ! "

" But I'm lazy so I just want to point out some things. "

" What is it ? "

" You remember how the princess and the frog studied together right ? The girl was trusting him when he pointed out mistake and taught her new things right ? "

" Yeah but where are you going? "

" What I mean is , if she trusted him completely. He would have been able to fed her lies and manipulated her . He had the upper hand in this relationship. "

" I see! But did he really... "

" No one knows , maybe he did , maybe he didn't. I just hope for the latter because if he did... "

" Ohhh this is just a story Yuki! The frog prince isn't real , he can't hurt me ! "

" ...I know lil' sis , I know... "


A few days later, I start to try to detach myself from the boys and tried to stick back with my previous group of friends like before . Sure a lot have changed since the seven boys went to school but it wouldn't be impossible to revert it right ?

I was thinking about it when I sense Beomgyu passing his hand into my hair , his eyes fixed on the strand around his fingers. As long as I knew him , he was always fascinated with my hair for an unknown reason. And sometimes Soobin had to snap it out of it has it turns a little creepy.

" Your hair are really beautiful you know? ... You should never cut them and let them grow long , very long... "

" But then it would be a pain to move around and all . "

" In this case you just have to stay inside and never go out , then it will be all right. Yeah , you should just stay here and never go out again- "

" Enough Beomgyu. "

" Sorry. "

As Soobin scolded Beomgyu, he let go of my hair before sending me a apologic glance and puppy eyes. I assure them it was okay before looking at the clock. It was starting to be late and the sun was beginning to set down. Not that it was a dangerous neighborhood but my brother always told me to not walk around in the dark .

Bidding them farewell, I start to walk my way back home but for an unknown it seems to take more than usually. An uneasy start to fill me as the sun had already dissappeared leaving me in the night. It wasn't normal.

I should have asked for one of the boys to come with me . Still uneasy I look at my surrounding only to not recognized anything.

I'm really an idiot, how did I managed to get lost on my way home?

" Bravo Y/n ! You're doing well you idiot! "

I spoke out loud to let out some frustration only to hear noise coming from behind a trash can . Turning around, I saw something step into the street light and my eyes widened in horror.

In front of me was a wolf who was growling at me and take slow steps towards me while I was backwarding . Not really thinking about the consequences, I spun around and sprint away in fear . Stupid I know but at least I will live for a few more seconds .

Yuki always used to told me that fleeing was always a option in a battle, unless it's a boss battle then you have to fight nyeh . So currently I'm just using a battle strategy which consists of running away from the enemy and hoping that I never see them ever again.

Pied Pipers / Yandere!BTS x Reader Feat.TXTWhere stories live. Discover now