♤♡ Love Taste ◇♧

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" *Sigh* This is getting better and better isn't? "

" Really ? "

" No. "

" Then why are you saying this- "

" Not important, anyway, you want me to read you a story or no? "

" Yeah a story! "

" Then shut up, *pick up book on the nightstand* I will read you your favorite book. Just tonight because I'm feeling awfully nice."

" ... "

" So we left at the end of the first chapter...
Chapter 2 : the arrival of the princes.
The princess was still mourning the loss of her brother when all the members of the council asked or rather begged her to get an heir for the throne as they couldn't stand the possibility of losing her now. The princess was quite hesitant to the whole ordeal and was still shaken up but with the advice of her retainers, she accepted.

The day came of the princes arrival to the castle, the princess was waiting at the front with her four loyal retainers trying to calm down her stressed self. She didn't knew how many of them there was going to be and didn't even knew who it was going to be. There was an uneasy feeling inside her but she blamed it on being nervous.

Soon enough, the sight of 6 boats approaching the harbor of the island came in sights. Looking at the flags at the top of each of them, she let out a small gasp as she recognized each of them, those boats were from the six most influential strength in Luxendarc.

The first one she spot was Grandship' boat. It was a large boat that was used as a town so obviously the size make it noticeable. But this also means that the man going to court her was its captain. The Captain V.

Then she spot the boats with the flags of differents lands : Eternia, Florem, Harena, Eisen and Caldisla. This was already quite a lot and she didn't thought all of them would come. Taking a deep breath she waited for the men to come to the castle and welcome them.

As she welcome the six of them in the throne room she was surprised when the chief of the crystal guards, the young captain of the royal guard announced being part of it too. And so the princess found herself with 7 men competiting for her hand. Although the men in front of them were charming and polite, she could still feel the tension between all of them. It was to be expected, they were rivals but there was also more.

Of course some of them thought that some shouldn't have the right to court the princess, this came for various reasons, one is that some are not from nobility, this applies to Jay Hope (he is a commoner who got his last name after ending the civil war), the captain V (a pirate) and Jeon Jungkook ( the Jeon are a very respected family but are not from nobility). Another reason, which is the primary one, the war between the Duchy of Eternia and the orthodoxy two years ago. Despite the King Yu being the one that put a stop to it, there are still some wounds left after all this time. The princess was also the popess with her four retainers being the vessels of the four elemental crystal of Luxendarc. And so to hear that the son of the marshal of Eternia is here to court the princess, her holyness, the repressentation of the crytal orthodoxy, the very thing he was sent to destroy, is absolutly ironic and ridiculous.

Anyway, once the presentations and formal greetings were complete, the princess quietly fled from the throne room once the princes were busy chatting (more like starring down each others). She ran in the long corridor before going in the garden, her feets still running till she went past a bunch of Magnolia. Behind them, there was stairs hiden that lead her underground, she went down before resuming her frantic pace until she reach a large room coming from above with the help of the glass ceiling. A large statue stood in the middle of the room and below was the grave of the late king. The girl fall to her knees as she reached the grave, her body meeting soft grass and flowers beneath her as her arms wrapped around a part of the smooth stone. Her body was shaky and frail as tears rolled down from her eyes and soft sobbing escaped her lips.

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